[agents] CoopMAS-2015: Journal opportunities and deadline extension

Georgios Chalkiadakis gehalk at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 08:06:17 EST 2015

Final CfP & Journal Invitations!

...Please forward to colleagues and students that might be interested!

the 6th International Workshop on Cooperative Games in Multiagent Systems,
to be co-located with AAMAS'15 (Istanbul, May 2015).


*********************** Aims and focus **************************

The use of cooperative game theory to study how agents should cooperate and
collaborate, along with the related topic of coalition formation, has
received growing attention from the multiagent systems, game theory, and
electronic commerce communities.

The workshop is intended to focus on topics in cooperation in multi­agent
systems, cooperative game theory, cooperative solution concepts, coalition
formation, and applications.

We encourage submission of papers describing original work, as well as
accepted AAMAS short papers, and work recently published in conferences
other than AAMAS. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Cooperative game theory
Coalition formation
Joint decision making and voting
Representation issues
Collaborative filtering
Market and economics based cooperation
Behavioral models for cooperative games
Applications of cooperative solution concepts

The workshop should be of interest to researchers who study the
mathematical and algorithmic properties of cooperative games; researches
interested in promoting cooperation in multiagent systems, designing and
implementing collaborating agents and mechanisms that incentivize
cooperation; and researchers studying the underlying connections between
cooperative game theory and other topics in game theory and computer

We also welcome participants who are interested in applications of
cooperative game theory (for example, trading agents, recommender systems,
and energy and water management). In particular we encourage submissions on
empirical and experimental study of applying solution concepts from
cooperative game theory to real world problems.

******************** Attention: Journal invitations********************

This year we have made arrangements with two open access, peer-reviewed
journals, providing opportunities for CoopMAS authors to publish their work.

1. Games (pending final approval, and submission of at least 5 papers): A
special edition of papers from the workshop, with a rapid review procedure.
Submissions will get a *full waiver* of the 540 US$ publication fee. (

2. SBEJ: Accepted submissions will be considered for invitation by the
Behavior and the Environment journal. (http://www.SBEjournal.com).

***************************Key dates****************************

Submission of contributions: 19 Feb 2015  (was 15 Feb 2015)
Acceptance notification: 19 March 2015
Workshop:  4-5 May 2015

*****************Submission Instructions************************

Submission must follow the Springer LNCS format (see
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 for formatting

and should be a maximum of 15 pages.

Papers must be submitted in PDF through easychair:


CoopMAS is considered a non­archival venue and there are no published
proceedings, though informal proceedings will be distributed to all
workshop participants.

This means that publishing a paper in CoopMAS should not prevent one from
submitting it to a conference or a journal at the same or later time. The
requirement to use the LNCS format is imposed to ensure uniformity.

*******************************Organizers: ******************************

Georgios Chalkiadakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
gehalk at intelligence.tuc.gr

Reshef Meir, Harvard University, USA.
rmeir at seas.harvard.edu

Tomasz Michalak, University of Oxford, UK.
tomasz.michalak at cs.ox.ac.uk

Georgios Chalkiadakis

Assistant Professor
Electronic and Computer Engineering
Technical University of Crete

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