[agents] Call for Tutorials at IFIPTM 2015

Jan-Philipp Steghöfer steghoefer at informatik.uni-augsburg.de
Sat Jan 10 07:20:24 EST 2015

9th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management


The IFIPTM organizing committee invites proposals for tutorials to be
held in conjunction wtih IFIPTM 2015 at Hamburg, Germany. Tutorials
should allow members of the community to interactively gain specialist
knowledge or skills, discover new paradigms, solutions or research
investigations through motivating examples, compare existing approaches
and concepts, and possibly explain how these can be put into current or
future practice. In practice, tutorials should serve one or more of the
following objectives:

- Survey, explain and discuss: research projects, industrial products or
governmental frameworks and policies
- Provide instruction in established but specialised Trust Management
- Present a novel synthesis combining distinct lines of work in Trust

Tutorials should cover a varied range of issues and not be used to
promote a single research approach or a product.  

Submission guidelines
If you are interested in conducting a tutorial at IFIPTM, please submit
a tutorial proposal including information regarding the following points:

- Title of tutorial
- Name(s), affiliation and short CV of instructor(s)
- A brief outline of topics to be covered
- Preferred length of proposed tutorial (half-day/full-day)
- List of past experience in conducting tutorials or equivalent teaching
experience (if applicable)

Important dates
Tutorial Proposal Submission: February 27, 2015
Accept Notification: March 12, 2015

Tutorial submission
Submission of tutorial proposals should be made by sending an email
(attaching a pdf file with the required information) to Sheikh Mahbub
Habib and Jan-Philipp Steghöfer at ifiptm-workshops at compute.dtu.dk.

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