[agents] CFP: IDEAS @ AAMAS 2015 (Issues with Deployment of Emerging Agent-based Systems)

Adam Eck aeck at cse.unl.edu
Thu Jan 8 10:05:26 EST 2015

                                 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS
           The 1st International Workshop on Issues with Deployment of 
                   Emerging Agent-based Systems (IDEAS 2015)
                                 to be held with AAMAS 2015
                           May 4 or 5, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey

Submissions are invited for the 2015 International Workshop on Issues with Deployment of Emerging Agent-based Systems (IDEAS 2015)


http://cse.unl.edu/agents/IDEAS2015/index.html <http://cse.unl.edu/agents/IDEAS2015/index.html>


The IDEAS workshop provides an active forum for bringing together researchers across academia, industry, and the public sector applying agent-based technologies (including both single agent and multiagent systems) to solve real-world problems in deployed (or emerging) applications. This workshop encourages research:

1) describing emerging, existing, or ongoing deployments of agent technologies to real-world systems used in practice,

2) identifying challenges and associated solutions to deploying agent technologies in the real-world,

3) highlighting lessons learned from (successful or unsuccessful) past deployments to improve future systems,

4) presenting simulations or testbeds and analysis techniques for evaluating applied systems, and

5) introducing interesting novel applications areas for intelligent agent and multiagent systems research. 

This workshop serves as platform for discussing cutting edge applied agent research with potential for future submission to the Innovative Applications Track of AAMAS.


The IDEAS workshop aims to discuss a set of challenging topics related to the application of intelligent agent and multiagent technologies to solving real-world problems and producing deployed applications. The workshop will serve as both (1) a forum for discussing and sharing cutting edge applied agent research (including a place to discuss difficult challenges necessary to overcome to produce real-world systems, as well as lessons learned from initial deployments), as well as (2) an incubator for Innovative Applications Track research to be presented at future AAMAS conferences.

The primary aim of this workshop is two-fold: (1) to provide a place for researchers working towards applying agent technologies in real-world problems to discuss and share their work, providing a more targeted meeting complementary to the general AAMAS conference, and (2) an incubator for developing research and manuscripts worthy of publication in the Innovative Applications Track at future AAMAS conferences.

The IDEAS workshop series is of interest to a broad range of researchers and practitioners of intelligent agents and multiagent systems, including (1) computer scientist academics applying their AI/MAS research to real-world problems (e.g., roboticists, software engineers), (2) interdisciplinary researchers combining AI/MAS with various disciplines (e.g., computer aided education, manufacturing, smart energy, e-commerce, e-healthy, survey informatics, intelligent user interfaces), and (3) engineers and scientists from private companies and public organizations performing agent-based research and development, as well as building real commercial systems.

We encourage submissions related, but not limited to, the following:

1. Descriptions of real-world intelligent agent and multiagent systems deployed to real-world applications, including:
-- novel applications of MAS systems,
-- novel inspirations for deployed MAS-based solutions,
-- novel uses of intelligent agents,
-- prototypes of developed systems, and
-- results from existing deployments

2. Real-World Challenges to Deploying Applied Agent Systems, including:

-- modeling and addressing complex environment properties (multiple sources and high levels of uncertainty, noise, non-stationarity, real-time constraints, limited resources),
-- needs for security, robustness, and scalability, and
-- evaluating the correctness, effectiveness, and efficiency of deployed systems

3. Lessons learned from deployed (or emerging) systems, including:

-- why a particular deployment might or might not have succeeded (or would have succeeded with important changes uncovered in hindsight),
-- how improvements might be made to the system for future deployments, and
-- how new tests might be conducted to better evaluate or test the system

4. Testbeds for applied agent systems, including:

-- custom or reusable testbeds for evaluating agents in simulated real-world environments,
-- challenges associated to developing such testbeds and in properly evaluating real-world performance,
-- types of problems that can be studied using such testbeds, and
-- comparative studies of testbeds in investigating issues of applied agent systems


Paper Submission: February 11, 2015
Author Notification: March 10, 2015
Camera-ready Deadline: March 19, 2015
Workshop: TBD (May 4 or 5, 2015)


As with previous workshops, each IDEAS submission will be reviewed by two members of the expert program committee. Contributors may submit either full papers (no longer than 12 pages) or a position statement (no longer than 6 pages) that outlines their interests, background, and discussion of an aspect of the workshop theme. Authors are encouraged to submit their papers in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) style, since this will be the format required for the planned post-proceedings. Formatting instructions, as well as the style and sample files, can be found here:

http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html <http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html>

Papers submitted should be in PDF format, and must be submitted through our dedicated EasyChair site, here:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ideas2015 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ideas2015>

Submitted papers should give full names and contact details for all authors. At least one author of each accepted papers must register for the workshop.


Leen-Kiat Soh, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Adam Eck, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bo An, Nanyang Technological University


Claudia V. Goldman-Shenhar, General Motors Research & Development
Nicholas Jennings, University of Southampton
Balajee Kannan, GE Global Research
Sarit Kraus, Bar-Ilan University
Paul Scerri, Carnegie Mellon University
Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University
Milind Tambe, University of Southern California

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