[agents] CfP "Modelling Routines", Manchester 25th November 2014.

Bruce Edmonds bruce at edmonds.name
Wed Oct 8 08:54:56 EDT 2014

*What are socia/organisational routines/practices/habits is the core of
much modelling of people and their behaviour.  This workshop looks at both
how agents might reason about routines (the "ostensive") and what patterns
constitute routines (the "performative") - but most interestingly how these
two levels relate!*

*The Call for papers for the workshop on "Modelling Routines"is now
available:       HTML
for abstracts 25th October!  Funding to support people attending should be
available for those who submit and are accepted (details soon).*
*Website for news about this workshop at:

*Any queries about this please email me.*


Bruce Edmonds
Centre for Policy Modelling
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School,
All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6BH, UK.
Tel. +161 247 6479  Fax. +161 247 6802

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