[agents] CfP - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence meets Business Processes and Services (AIBPS2014 at SOCA)
Andrea Marrella
marrella at dis.uniroma1.it
Tue Jul 8 10:22:27 EDT 2014
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence meets Business Processes
and Services (AIBPS2014 at SOCA)
in conjunction with the 7th IEEE International Conference on Service
Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2014)
E-Mail: aibps2014 at dis.uniroma1.it
Important Dates
Submission of Papers: August 15, 2014
Notification: September 11, 2014
Final Version Due: September 26, 2014
Workshop Date: November 17, 2014
All deadlines refer to 11:59 P.M. Samoa time (UTC/GMT -11 hours).
Matsue, Japan
Kunibiki Messe, Shimane Prefectural Convention Center -
Call for Papers
Nowadays, Process-Aware Information Systems (PAISs) and Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOAs) are widely used in all human activities,
from classical ones (management of supply chain, postal tracking delivery
etc.) to very dynamic ones (health-care, home automation,
emergency management, etc.). Every aspect of a process/service involves a
certain amount of knowledge, that can depend both on the complexity
of the domain of interest and on the modelling language used to represent
the process/service itself. While traditional processes and services
behave in a way that is well understood, predictable and repeatable, in
realistic environments traditional Business Process Management (BPM)
and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) modelling approaches are not able to
model the whole knowledge of the domain of interest at design time,
due to the high number of tasks/services to be represented and to their
unpredictable nature. Furthermore, this knowledge can become obsolete
at execution time, due to autonomous user decisions and to emergent events
and contextual changes that make the structure of processes and services
significantly less rigid.
To tackle the above issues, the use of techniques coming from the Artificial
Intelligence (AI) community could be leveraged to properly design, model and
manage business processes and services in realistic environments. Knowledge
representation and reasoning techniques can be used for modelling
processes/services, for defining background knowledge (e.g., through
ontologies) and for reasoning about them.
Scheduling provides methods for allocating dynamically tasks/services and
resources, with the ability to adjust the allocation in response to
changing requirements and resource availability. Automated Planning provides
capabilities for synthesizing new business processes and
repairing previously defined processes and services that are no longer
suitable for a given situation. Furthermore, since many systems share the
of recalling and reusing concrete examples of changes adopted in the past,
Case-based Reasoning can be exploited, to retrieve adaptation cases,
and to support the user in the overall adaptation task. When adaptation
takes place, there is the need to verify the correctness and compliance
of the adapted process/service with respect to specific semantic constraints
(on line or post mortem), and this can be done through model checking
Finally, machine learning techniques can be resorted to when the default
process schema is not known, but has to be learnt from a set of
available execution traces.
The main focus of the AIBPS2014 at SOCA workshop is to discuss novel and
ongoing approaches, techniques and tools whose distinctive feature relies
in the role that AI technologies play for modelling, managing, enacting and
analysing business processes and services.
We invite contributions on AI approaches (Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning, Semantic technologies for data integration, Scheduling, Automated
Case-based Reasoning, Model Checking, Machine Learning, etc.) for the
following non-exhaustive list of topics:
- Modelling languages, notations and methods for business processes and
- Variability and adaptability of process and service models
- Resource management for business processes and services
- User-oriented aspects of business processes and services
- Declarative approaches for business processes and services
- Dynamic configuration; modelling by knowledge reuse
- Business process support architectures and platforms
- Service-oriented architectures
- Object-aware and Artifact-centric business processes
- Adaptive Case Management
- Run-time verification and monitoring
- Process mining
- Case studies, empirical evaluations and experimentations
Format of the Workshop
The workshop will consist of presentations of the accepted papers.
Papers should be submitted in advance and will be reviewed by at least three
members of the program committee.
All accepted papers will be published, potentially in a revised form, as
part of the SOCA proceedings,
which will be included in the IEEE Digital Library. At least one author for
each accepted paper should register to
the workshop and attend it so as to present the paper.
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for presentation in any of
the areas listed in the Call of Papers.
Two kinds of submissions are possible :
**Research papers** These papers are devoted to research in an advanced
stage, to completely new research positions, and approaches in an early
We encourage practitioners and researchers to submit their papers to present
their valuable ideas, get feedback on their work and stimulate discussions
and collaborations among colleagues.
**Experience reports** Experience reports are meant to present an activity
that has been completed (or is being completed) in the context of a
real-life organization. The work should be driven by a practical need, and
report on the identification or analysis of existing problems, on the
design/implementation of solutions, or on the assessment/evaluation of
existing solutions. Work carried out with a pure research flavor does not
fall in this category, and should be submitted in the form of a research
For both research papers and experience reports, the length of submitted
work must not exceed 5 pages (including text, figures and references) in
the IEEE format. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings
Author Guidelines to prepare your papers with 8.5'' x 11'', two-column
Only papers in English will be accepted. Information about the IEEE format
can be found at:
The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of the
covered topics (three to five keywords characterizing the paper should be
indicated at
the end of the abstract), preferably using the list of workshop's topics.
Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair system using the
following URL:
Please upload a self-contained PDF file. Submissions not conforming to the
IEEE format or being obviously out of the scope of the workshop, will be
rejected without
review. In order to submit your paper, you will first need to register into
the system, if you are not registered already. You may submit an abstract
first and
upload the actual paper at a later time (this is in fact strongly
recommended). Furthermore, you may revise your submission any number of
times before the
deadline. Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions you
may have.
PC Chairs
Andrea Marrella (Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy)
Nick van Beest (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Hyerim Bae (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
Proceedings Chair
Alessandro Russo (Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy)
Program Committee
Marco Aiello - University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Florian Daniel - University of Trento, Italy
Massimiliano de Leoni - Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Claudio Di Ciccio - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Christoph Dorn - Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Eirini Kaldeli - University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Marcello La Rosa - Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Alexander Lazovik - University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Yves Lespérance - York University, Toronto, Canada
Fabrizio Maria Maggi - University of Tartu, Estonia
Massimo Mecella - Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy
Marco Montali - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Stefania Montani - University of East Piedmont, Italy
Fabio Patrizi - Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy
Daniele Theseider Dupré - University of East Piedmont, Italy
Mathias Weske - Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany
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