[agents] Call for Participation: COMMA-14

Oren, N. n.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Mon Jun 30 04:35:37 EDT 2014

Call for Participation
Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument

Pitlochry, Scotland
September 9th - 12th 2014

Argumentation is an important and exciting research topic in
Artificial Intelligence, with a broad spectrum of research activities
ranging from theory to applications. The International Conference on
Computational Models of Argument (COMMA) is a regular forum for
presentation and exchange of the latest research results related to
computational aspects of argumentation.

After the successful editions in Liverpool (COMMA 2006), Toulouse
(COMMA 2008), Desenzano del Garda (COMMA 2010), and Vienna (COMMA
2012), COMMA 2014 will be held in the Scottish Highlands.

The deadline for early registration is:

 1st July 2014

Program information may be found here:


and the list of accepted papers is here:


A limited number of student grants are available for participation in
COMMA 2014. Each grant will cover the registration fee and will
provide a contribution to the accommodation costs.

The conference will immediately follow the Summer School on
Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives (SSA 2014),
hosted by the Centre for Argument Technology (ARG-tech) at the
University of Dundee from September 4th - 8th 2014.

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas cl?raichte ann an Alba, ?ir. SC013683.

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