[agents] CoopMAS'14: call for short talks advertising AAMAS'14 papers

Edith Elkind eelkind at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 04:50:40 EDT 2014

Dear all,

CoopMAS is an AAMAS workshop on cooperative games in multiagent systems,
which will take place on May 5th, 2014 in Paris.


This year's program includes 9 contributed papers, a tutorial, and an
invited talk by Kaveh Madani.

As in the previous year, we would like to offer the participants of
the workshop an opportunity to advertise their AAMAS'14 accepted
papers on cooperative game theory and other topics that are of
interest to the CoopMAS audience
(see http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/coopmas?page_id=17 for the list of
topics of interest). If you have an accepted paper or a poster in
AAMAS'14 that fits the scope of CoopMAS, you can give a 5-minute talk
about this paper at our workshop. If you are interested in this
opportunity, please contact Edith Elkind (eelkind at gmail.com) by

*** April 25, 2014 ***.

Please attach your AAMAS paper so that we can verify that it is in scope
for the workshop. If there are several papers that you would like to
talk about, send us all of them; however, if we receive too many
submissions, we may restrict each participant to one 5-minute slot.
Note that, to present, you should be registered for May 5th workshops:
otherwise, you will not be able
to enter the workshop venue.

Edith Elkind, Georgios Chalkiadakis, Reshef Meir (CoopMAS'14 co-chairs)

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