[agents] Final CFP -- TRUM 2014 (extended to April 7)

#GUO GUIBING# GGUO1 at e.ntu.edu.sg
Thu Apr 3 05:32:13 EDT 2014

TRUM 2014  -  Final Call for Papers: the submission deadline has been extended to April 7, 2014.

The 4th Workshop on Trust, Reputation and User Modeling (TRUM'14)

with the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP'14)
Aalborg, Denmark, 7-11 July 2014


Topics to be covered include but are not limited to:

Trust and Reputation Modeling
    - Subjectivity and Disposition in Trust and Reputation Modeling
    - Cognitive and Computational Trust
    - Stereotype-based Trust Modeling
    - Trust in Social Networks
    - Trust-based Recommender Systems
    - Trust and Reputation Modeling in Mobile Networks
    - Trust in Organizations, Institutions and Systems
    - Models and Mechanisms for Privacy

User Modeling
    - Decentralized User Modeling Approaches
    - Purpose-based User Modeling
    - Sharing of User Model Fragments
    - User Modeling in Mobile Computing, e.g. Smart Phone Apps, Vehicles, Cameras
    - User Modeling in Ambient and Ubiquitous Computing
    - User Modeling in Social Networks
    - Modeling Evolving Trust Relationships among Users in Social Networks
    - Modeling Evolving Trust or Distrust of Users in Applications (Privacy, Integrity of User Data)
    - Modeling Trust of Users in Recommenders and Persuasive Applications


Submission Guidelines:

All submissions should be in LNCS format, and not longer than 12 pages for full papers, 6 pages for short papers, and 3 pages for poster papers. Please submit your paper on the TRUM Workshop Easychair site (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=trum2014). All papers must be submitted in either Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), or Microsoft Word Format (doc). All papers must be original and must not have been published or under review elsewhere. Submissions will be reviewed for relevance, originality, significance, validity and clarity. All articles selected for publication will be reviewed by at least two reviewers with expertise in the area.


Important Dates:

    - April 1, 2014 (extended to April 7, 2014): Deadline for workshop paper submissions
    - May 1, 2014: Notification to authors of accepted papers
    - May 15, 2014: Camera ready


Accepted/Invited Papers & Proceedings:

The accepted papers at the 2nd Trust, Reputation and User Modeling workshop (TRUM'12) held with the International Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2012) at Montreal, Canada on July 16, 2012, were invited to submit their extended versions to the Special issue of Computational Intelligence journal on "Incentives and Trust in E-Commerce"!

Papers accepted by TRUM'12 were published in the CEUR proceedings.

The accepted papers at the 1st Trust, Reputation and User Modeling workshop (TRUM'11) held with the International Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2011) at Girona, Spain on July 11, 2011, were invited to submit their extended versions to the International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications (IJTMCC).

Papers accepted by TRUM'11 were published as a book with Springer, Advances in User Modeling.

Best Regards,
Guibing GUO

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