[agents] CFP: WCAMA 2014 - 5th Workshop of Applied Computing for the Management of the Environment and Natural Resources - EXTEND DEADLINE!!

Diana Adamatti dianaadamatti at furg.br
Mon Mar 31 05:59:11 EDT 2014

WCAMA 2014 - 5th Workshop of Applied Computing for the Management of
the Environment and Natural Resourceshttp://wcama.wordpress.com
Co-located with XXXIV Brazilian Computer Society CongressBrasília/DF,
BrazilJuly 28-31, 2014
The 5th Workshop of Applied Computing for the Management of the
Environment and Natural Resources (WCAMA) has the main goal to promote
the integration, in an effective way, between computing (methodologies
and tools) and environment (politics and management).  Natural
resources management is a complex and dynamic activity. It demands the
integration between actors in the social, political, and technological
fields to be effectively developed.  Specifically in computer science,
there are three main challenges to develop methodologies and tools to
natural resources management: i) data management and communication to
huge amounts of data; ii) data analysis and data visualization; iii)
optimization and control of existing data and the integration of data.
*** SCOPE ***
The workshop will cover the whole range of research and applications
in methodologies, techniques and computational tools applied to
environment management and natural resources, including (but not
limited to):

 . Control of air pollution
 . Environmental fragility
 . Environmental monitoring
 . Environmental policies
 . Environmental readaptation
 . Environmental sanitation and waste treatment
 . Environmental sustainability
 . Flooded areas and wetlands
 . Global environmental changes
 . Health and environment
 . Land use and land cover change modelling
 . Landscape ecology
 . Natural and renewable resources management
 . Noise and environment
 . Priority areas for conservation
 . Reduction of gas emissions
 . Society and environment
 . Soil pollution
 . Solid waste management
 . Species distribution modeling
 . Transport and environment
 . Urban ecology
WCAMA 2014 will accept two types of submission:
 . Full Papers between 6 (six) and 10 (ten) pages. These papers will
be presented orally.
 . Abstract Papers/Software Demonstrations between 2 (two) and 4
(four) pages. This kind of paper must present a specification or
proposal of software within the scope of the workshop. These papers
will be presented in a demonstration session.
Papers must be written in Portuguese or English, following the
Brazilian Computer Society template
Manuscripts must be submitted without the authors' names and
affiliations (double blind review). Papers that do not follow these
procedures will be rejected.
Submission must be electronic using the JEMS system at:
April 06, 2014 - Registration and Submission DeadlineMay 11, 2014 -
Notification of accepted papersMay 25, 2014 - Camera-ready versionJuly
31, 2014 - WCAMA 2014July 28-31, 2014 - CSBC 2014

 . Anthony Jakeman (Australian National University)
 . Thiago Fernando Lopes Valle de Britto Rangel (UFG)
*** CHAIRS ***

 . Célia Ghedini Ralha, UnB - ghedini at cic.unb.br,
 . Diana Francisca Adamatti, FURG - dianaadamatti at furg.br
 . Vinícius Sebba Patto, UFG - viniciussebba at inf.ufg.br
 . Marilton Sanchotene de Aguiar, UFPel - marilton at inf.ufpel.edu.br

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