[agents] [WESAAC-2014] Final CFP
Viviane Torres da Silva
viviane.silva at ic.uff.br
Sun Mar 30 21:53:45 EDT 2014
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]
Final Call for Papers --- WESAAC-2014
8th Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications
PUCRS -- Porto Alegre, RS -- Brazil
28-30th of May 2014
************ IMPORTANT NEWS: ************
- Due to many requests, the submission deadline has been extended to:
11/Apr/2014 (abstracts) and 14/Apr/2014 (papers)
- IFAAMAS Student Scholarships Available!!!
We are grateful to IFAAMAS (http://www.ifaamas.org) for supporting
WESAAC. With their kind support, we will be able to provide up to 40
students with free registration and up to 10 student scholarships of
BRL 400.00 to help with travel to WESAAC-2014. To apply for free
registration and the travel support, please email
<wesaac.2014 at gmail.com>. For the travel grants, priority will be
given to students presenting papers. The criteria to award the
travel scholarships include the average review mark of the paper and
travel distance.
- The invited talks and courses have been announced!
Invited Talks:
* "Negotiation and Search"
Carles Sierra (IIIA CSIC, Spain)
* "Group Norms for Multi-Agent Organisations"
Wamberto Vasconcelos (U.Aberdeen, UK)
* "Argumentation for the Social Web"
João Leite (U.Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
* "Multi-Agent Oriented Coordination"
Olivier Boissier (EMSE - St. Etienne, France)
* "Para uma Noção de Modularidade em Sistemas Multiagentes"
A.C. Rocha Costa (FURG)
Invited Courses:
* "Electronic Institutions"
Carles Sierra (IIIA CSIC, Spain)
* "Normative Multi-Agent Systems"
Wamberto Vasconcelos (U.Aberdeen, UK)
* "Agent-Oriented Programming"
João Leite (U.Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
* "Organization Oriented Programming"
Olivier Boissier (EMSE - St. Etienne, France)
* "Programação de Sistemas Multi-Agentes"
Jomi F. Hubner (UFSC)
* "Engenharia de Software Orientada a Agentes"
Anarosa Brandão (USP)
Important Dates
Abstract submission: 11th of April, 2014
Paper submission: 14th of April, 2014
Notification to authors: 05th of May, 2014
Camera ready version: 16th of May, 2014
Many current computational systems no longer depend on human
intervention to operate in complex dynamic environments. Some of the
key features that allow such systems to operate autonomously include
the ability to make rational decisions and to react to changes in a
timely way. In that respect, agent systems and multi-agent
environments provide a computing paradigm that supports the
development of intelligent systems that are able to cope with the
complexities associated with such dynamic scenarios.
The area of agent-based systems is widely known and has numerous
papers published internationally every year. However, nationally there
are few events in this area and no other national event also provides
tutorials and short courses specifically on the main topics of
research within autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. WESAAC is
therefore of great importance as a national event in this area, aiming
to both prepare future generations of Brazilian researchers and to
disseminate the current projects of Brazilian researchers. WESAAC aims
to be a forum for the discussion of work at all levels, including
undergraduate, MSc, and PhD projects currently being
conducted. Fundamentally, WESAAC is the best opportunity for Brazilian
undergraduate and specially postgraduate students to attend courses by
some of the most prominent researchers working in this area throughout
the world.
Topics of Interest
Papers submitted to the event should address topics related to
autonomous agents or multi-agent systems, such as (but not restricted
* agent architectures and theories (BDI, belief revision, automated
* cooperation/coordination (negotiation, argumentation, reputation)
* agent-based software development (programming languages, platforms,
tools, methodologies)
* agent organisations, societal issues, normative systems, etc.
* agent communication
* social simulations and agent-based simulation
* (formal) specification and verification of multi-agent systems
* machine learning and automated planning in agent systems
* applications of agents and multi-agent systems
General Chair: Rafael H. Bordini (PUCRS)
Programme Committee Chair: Viviane Torres da Silva (UFF)
Local Chair: Felipe Meneguzzi (PUCRS)
WESAAC Steering Committee:
Rejane Frozza (UNISC)
João Luis Tavares da Silva (UCS)
Diana Francisca Adamatti (FURG)
Gustavo Alberto Gimênez Lugo (UTFPR)
Jomi Fred Hübner (UFSC)
Paper Submission
Researchers and students are invited to submit papers in Portuguese or
English, as a PDF file formatted according to the SBC style
(compulsory) available at
The proceedings are published electronically (with an ISBN). Three
separate tracks have been created for paper submission: (i) full
papers, (ii) short papers (i.e., extended abstracts), and (iii) short
papers written by *undergraduate* students.
Full papers, reporting work with solid results, must have no more than
12 pages and will be presented orally in a plenary session. Short
papers, reporting ongoing work or position papers, must have between 4
and 6 pages and will be presented in poster sessions.
Papers must be submitted through EasyChair
<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wesaac2014>. For queries
related to paper submission, please send an email to
<wesaac2014.pcchair at gmail.com>. For general queries, please email
<wesaac.2014 at gmail.com>.
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