[agents] Final CFP - Computational Models of Argument (COMMA-2014)

Oren, N. n.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Tue Mar 25 03:43:03 EDT 2014

(apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)

                             CALL FOR PAPERS
                            CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIONS

                      5th International Conference on


                   Pitlochry, Scotland, September 9-12, 2014




Argumentation is an exciting research topic in artificial
intelligence, with a broad spectrum of research activities ranging from
theory to applications. The International Conference on Computational
Models of Argument (COMMA) is a regular forum for presentation and
exchange of the latest research results related to computational aspects
of argumentation. After the successful editions in Liverpool (2006);
Toulouse (2008); Desenzano del Garda (2010); and Vienna (2012); COMMA
2014 will be held in Scotland in September 2014.


Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Formal, semi-formal and informal models for argumentation
* Dialogue based on argumentation
* Strategies in argumentation
* Argumentation and game theory
* Argumentation and probability
* Argumentation and narrative
* Analogical argumentation
* Computational properties of argumentation
* Reasoning about action and time with argumentation
* Decision making based on argumentation
* Argumentation in agent and multi-agent systems
* Argumentation for coordination and coalition formation
* Argumentation-based negotiation
* Argumentation, trust and reputation
* Argument mining
* Argumentation and computational linguistics
* Argumentation and human-computer interaction
* Systems for learning through argument
* Implementation of argumentation systems
* Tools for supporting argumentation


In addition to papers about theoretical results (in the conference's regular track),
we encourage the submission of original papers about innovative applications,
e.g., in law, medicine, e-democracy, risk assessment, intelligent user
interfaces, recommender systems. Innovative applications papers will be
assessed in an equally rigorous reviewing procedure as regular track


As in the previous edition, a session will be organized for the demonstration
of innovative working applications and tools. Systems of interest include
(but are not limited to):

* Innovative applications in law, medicine, e-democracy, risk assessment,
 intelligent user interfaces, recommender systems
* Argumentation-based reasoners
* Systems for generating arguments from knowledge bases
* Systems for editing, presenting and judging arguments and counterarguments
* Collaborative and social systems based on argumentation
* Simulations of dialogue-based argumentation
* Argumentation-based agents and multi-agent systems
* Decision support systems based on argumentation

All those intending to demonstrate a system should notify the
demonstrations coordinator (Federico Cerutti).
Where a demonstration is not connected to a paper in a track, a two page
extended  abstract about the system must be submitted for review. Accepted
extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

For those demonstrations that are connected to a paper in the standard
track or innovative applications track, no separate statement about
the demonstration should be submitted.


We invite submission of original and unpublished work. Parallel
submission to journals or other conferences or workshops with
published proceedings is not permitted.

Paper submission will be managed through EasyChair. Submission
sites for regular, innovative applications track and extended demonstrator
abstracts will open on March 1st.

Page limits for all paper types are as follows.

- Regular track papers (max. 12 pages)
- Innovative applications track papers (max. 12 pages)
- Demonstration extended abstract (max. 2 pages)

Authors should prepare their submission following the instructions by IOS Press.


Paper submission deadline:            March 30, 2014
(regular and innovative applications

Demonstration extended abstract
submission deadline:        April 15, 2014

Review rebuttal phase:                 May 7 - 9, 2014

Notification of acceptance:           May 15, 2014

Final version of accepted papers:     June 15, 2014


The proceedings for the conference will be published by IOS Press in
the "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications" series.
The length of regular track and innovative applications track papers
should not exceed 12 pages, the length of demonstration extended
abstracts should not exceed 2 pages.


A best student paper award will be awarded.


* Diane LitmanUniversity of Pittsburgh, USA
* Guillermo SimariUniversidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
* Rineke VerbruggeUniversity of Groningen, Netherlands


* Program Chair:              Simon Parsons
                             (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
* Conference Chairs:        Nir Oren and Chris Reed
                             (University of Aberdeen, University of Dundee,
* Demonstrations coordinator: Federico Cerutti
                             (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)


Leila Amgoud              IRIT - CNRS
Katie Atkinson            University of Liverpool
Pietro Baroni             University of Brescia
Trevor Bench-Capon     University of Liverpool
Neil Benn                 Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe
Philippe Besnard          CNRS / IRIT
Floris Bex                University of Groningen
Guido Boella              University of Torino
Elise Bonzon              LIPADE - University Paris Descartes
Richard Booth             University of Luxembourg
Gerhard Brewka            Leipzig University
Katarzyna Budzynska  Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Dundee
Martin Caminada           University of Aberdeen
Claudette Cayrol          University Paul-Sabatier
Federico Cerutti          University of Aberdeen
Carlos Chesnevar          Universidad Nacional del Sur
Sylvie Coste-Marquis  CRIL - CNRS
Madalina Croitoru         LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier II
Juergen Dix               Clausthal University of Technology
Sylvie Doutre             IRIT - Universite de Toulouse
Paul Dunne                University of Liverpool
John Fox                  Oxford University
James Freeman         Hunter College/City University of New York
Dov Gabbay                King's College London
Alejandro Garcia          Universidad Nacional del Sur
Massimiliano Giacomin  University of Brescia
Lluis Godo                IIIA - CSIC
Tom Gordon                Fraunhofer FOKUS
Floriana Grasso           University of Liverpool
Nancy Green               University of North Carolina Greensboro
Davide Grossi             University of Liverpool
David Hitchcock           McMaster University
Anthony Hunter            University College London
Souhila Kaci              Lirmm
Antonis Kakas             University of Cyprus
Jeroen Keppens            King's College London
Gabriele Kern-Isberner Technische Universitaet Dortmund
Paul Krause               University of Surrey
Beishui Liao              Zhejiang University
Nicolas Maudet            University Paris 6
Peter Mcburney            King's College London
Sanjay Modgil             King's College London
Pavlos Moraitis           Paris Descartes University
Nir Oren                  University of Aberdeen
Fabio Paglieri            ISTC-CNR Rome
Simon Parsons             University of Liverpool
Phan Minh Dung AIT
Henri Prade               IRIT - CNRS
Henry Prakken             University of Utrecht & University of Groningen
Iyad Rahwan             Masdar Institute of Science & Technology
Chris Reed                University of Dundee
Chiaki Sakama             Wakayama University
Giovanni Sartor           EUI/CIRSFID
Hajime Sawamura    Niigata University
Carles Sierra             IIIA
Guillermo R. SimariUniversidad Nacional del Sur in Bahia Blanca
Elizabeth Sklar           University of Liverpool
Katia Sycara              Carnegie Mellon University
Yuqing Tang               Carnegie Mellon University
Francesca Toni            Imperial College London
Alice Toniolo             University of Aberdeen
Paolo Torroni             University of Bologna
Leon van der Torre        University of Luxembourg
Bart Verheij              University of Groningen
Srdjan Vesic              CRIL - CRNS
Serena Villata            INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Doug Walton               University of Windsor
Stefan Woltran            Vienna University of Technology
Adam Wyner                University of Aberdeen

Dr. Nir Orenn.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Senior LecturerTel: +44 (0) 1224 274162
Department of Computing ScienceFax: +44 (0) 1224 273422
University of Aberdeen, AB24 3UEhttp://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/n.oren/pages/Home.html

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

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