[agents] MSc & PhD scholarships @ Masdar Institute

Iyad Rahwan irahwan at acm.org
Tue Feb 11 13:39:06 EST 2014

MSc & PhD Scholarships
@ Masdar Institute
In Cooperation with MIT

Masdar Institute is a post-graduate research institute established in
cooperation with MIT. The Computing & Information Science (CIS)
program invites application for multiple fully-funded MSc and PhD
studentships. PhD students have the opportunity to spend up to 1 year
as visiting students at MIT.

The CIS program (http://cis.masdar.ac.ae/) has developed world-class
research capability in various areas in artificial intelligence,
machine learning, multi-agent systems, algorithmic game theory, and
computational social science.

Further Details:

- Masdar Institute: www.masdar.ac.ae

- Masdar City: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masdar_City

- MIT and Masdar Institute Cooperative Program: http://web.mit.edu/mit-mi-cp/

- Application for Admission: www.masdar.ac.ae/admissions

- Computing & Information Science Program: http://cis.masdar.ac.ae/

Labs & Groups in AI and Machine Learning:
- Social Computing & AI: www.mit.edu/~irahwan/
- Data & Network Analytics: www.dnagroup.org/
- Distributed Human-Machine Systems: www.mit.edu/~jcrandal/lab/
- Algorithmic Game Theory: http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~elbassio/
- Multi-Agent Systems: http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/tr/

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