[agents] CFP Industrial Agent Applications (Book)

Stamatis Karnouskos karnouskos at ieee.org
Wed Jan 22 10:09:08 EST 2014

CFP for Book (Elsevier) Chapters on

Industrial Agents:
Emerging Applications of Software Agents in Industry


-=-= Contributions sought =-=-
Track A is the main objective of this CFP. If you are interested in
authoring for the Track B, please send an extended abstract to the editors
for consideration.

Track A: Industrial Agent Applications
Topics of interest include:
- Applications of Industrial Agents
- Testbeds of Industrial Agents
- Hands-on Experiences on prototyping systems and applications using
Industrial Agents
- Emerging domains and applications

The focus is on real world industrial applications, their
motivation/overview, detailed description, benefits, assessment, and
conclusion. Such applications may include already productive systems as
well as innovative future ones currently developed in cutting-edge R&D

Up to date info: http://wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=33220

Publisher: Elsevier
Supported by IEEE-IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents

For any additional info you might require, don't hesitate to
contact us at ia-book-2014 at easychair.org

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