[agents] Final CFP: AATMO’2014

Jaroslaw Kozlak kozlak at agh.edu.pl
Tue Jan 21 14:27:06 EST 2014

[Please accept our apologies if you are not interested in the subject
of the letter and/or if you receive this letter more than one time.]

Final Call for Papers
Agent-based Approaches for Transportation Modelling and Optimisation 
Salamanca, 4th-6th June, 2014

The Agent-based Approaches for Transportation Modelling and Optimisation
(AATMO’'2014) workshop, is associated with the 12th
Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
(PAAMS 2014), taking place on 4th-6th June, 2014 in Salamanca, Spain

The aim of the workshop is to gather and present different types of the 
applications of multi-agent and agent-based approaches for modelling and 
solving optimisation problems related to transport and traffic.  The 
nature of this group of problems makes them an interesting field for 
applying multi-agent systems because of the various possible degrees of 
autonomy of interacting decision elements, their distributed and 
decentralised character, as well as the dynamic of the varying 
reliability and correctness of the knowledge that constructs their 
environment models.

Different models determining destinations to be visited may be taken 
into account, including sets of shipments to be delivered, public 
transport schedules and individual preferences for leisure itineraries 
or pedestrian behaviours. Special attention is given to the construction 
and optimisation of multi-modal paths.  The methods of traffic 
optimisation using intelligent road information systems and advanced 
adaptive mechanisms of intersection control are also in the domain of 
interest. For solving these problems, different methods may be applied 
in agent-based and multi-agent systems, which include negotiations, 
planning, organisation models, as well as heuristic, machine learning 
and data mining algorithms.

The scope of interest includes, however, is not limited to the 
application of agent-based technologies to:
* Route planning and scheduling, and their dynamic modification,
* Construction of multimodal paths
* Line planning for public transport
* Choice of optimal and efficient decision strategies in transportation 
and traffic systems using machine learning and data-mining methods
* Autonomy/decentralisation of decision entities and quality of 
solutions in transportation systems
* Intelligent traffic control systems based on agents,
* Adaptation to new decision strategies and changing state of the 
environment in transportation systems,
* Intelligent composition of transportation units,
* Intelligent management of shipment composition, storing, freight 
handling and trans-shipments
* Modelling of human agent  (pedestrian, driver, …) behaviour
* Agent coordination, platoons, groups
* Innovative services in transportation, public transport, traffic control,

*Scientific Committee*

Jean-Michel Auberlet (co-chair) - IFSTTAR (France)
Flavien Balbo (co-chair) - Université Paris-Dauphine (France)
Jaroslaw Kozlak (co-chair) - AGH-UST (Poland)
Emmanuelle Grislin-Le Strugeon - University of Valenciennes (France)
Otthein Herzog - University of Bremen (Germany)
Abder Koukam - UTBM (France)
Jörg P. Müller - Clausthal University of Technology (Germany)
Rudy Negenborn - Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
Rosaldo Rossetti - University of Porto-LIACC/FEUP (Portugal)
Nicolas Saunier - Polytechnique Montreal (Canada)
Mahdi Zargayouna - IFSTTAR (France)

*Organising committee*

Juan M. Corchado - University of Salamanca (Spain)
Javier Bajo - Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
Juan F. De Paz - University of Salamanca (Spain)
Sara Rodríguez - University of Salamanca (Spain)
Fernando de la Prieta Pintado - University of Salamanca (Spain)
Gabriel Villarrubia González - University of Salamanca (Spain)
Antonio Juan Sánchez Martín - University of Salamanca (Spain)

Submission can be dane using the conference management system page

Papers must consist of original, relevant and previously unpublished 
sound research results related to any of the topics of the conference.
All papers must be formatted according to the CCISSeries Springer 
template, with a maximum length of 10-12 pages, including figures and 
The template can be downloaded 
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0. All 
proposed papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) using 
the Paper Submission Page.

*Important Dates*
Submission dates (extended)    27th January, 2014
Notification of acceptance     24th February, 2014
Camera-ready deadline          10th March, 2014
Conference dates               4th-6th June, 2014

*Review process*
AATMO welcomes the submission of application papers with preference to 
the topics listed in the call for papers. All submitted papers will 
undergo a thorough review process; each paper will be refereed by at 
least three experts in the field based on relevance, originality, 
significance, quality and clarity.

Accepted papers will be included in PAAMS 2014 Proceedings, published in 
the CCIS Series series of Springer (http://www.springer.com/series/7899).
At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the 
symposium to present the paper in order to include the paper in the 
conference proceedings. All accepted papers will be published by 
Springer Verlag.

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