[agents] CFW for Healthcom 2014

Scott Fowler scott_fowler at ymail.com
Fri Jan 10 03:50:49 EST 2014

 | Please accept our apology for multiple posting. THANK YOU |

16th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014)
Natal, RN Brazil – October 15-18, 2014

IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 is fully sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society. It aims at bringing together 
interested parties from around the world working in the health care field to exchange ideas, to discuss 
innovative and emerging solutions, and to develop collaborations. eHealth is defined as the cost-effective 
and secure use of information and communications technologies in support of health and the related fields, 
including health-care related services, surveillance, literature, education, knowledge, and research, both 
at the local site and at a distance. It will make personalized medicine possible and affordable in the near 
future. The adoption of eHealth technologies in medical fields creates huge opportunities yet lots of 
challenges still need to be resolved to build reliable, secure, and efficient networks or platforms with 
great flexibility.

The conference organizers ask for full-day workshop proposals on the eHealth area. A workshop should focus 
on a specific theme of current interest that can attract high-quality submissions. A proposal should include 
the following information:
1. Title of the workshop
2. Significance and timeliness
3. Full contact and a short bio of the workshop organizers
4. Planned format for the full-day workshop with expected paper submission volume
5. A tentative list of TPC members
6. A draft of Call for Papers
7. Advertisement plan for the Call for Papers
8. History of the workshop (if applicable)

Workshop proposals should be sent to the workshop chairs, Dr. Youssef Iraqi (Youssef.iraqi at kustar.ac.ae) and 
Dr. Honggang Wang (hwang1 at umassd.edu).

Proposal submission January 31, 2014
Notification of approval February 10, 2014
Workshop Paper Submission April 30, 2014
Workshop Paper Acceptance June 30, 2014
Workshop Camera-Ready Paper August 31, 2014

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