[agents] CFP: SNOW'14

Scott Fowler scott_fowler at ymail.com
Thu Nov 28 04:32:20 EST 2013

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 The Fifth Nordic Workshop on System and Network Optimization
 for Wireless (SNOW'14)
 Åre, Sweden
 2 - 4 April 2014
 Confirmed Keynote Speakers
 Mario Gerla, Professor at University of California, Los
 Angeles, USA
 Merouane Debbah, Professor at Supélec, Paris, France
 The Fifth Nordic Workshop on System and Network Optimization
 for Wireless (SNOW) aims at bringing together researchers
 and students from the academia and industry working in
  networking. The scope of the workshop is broad and intended
 to accommodate a wide variety of backgrounds, attitudes, and
 ideas in wireless communications ranging from cellular
 broadband to ad hoc / mesh networking, and from the physical
 up to the application layers.
 We welcome contributions within a broad range of wireless
 networking and cross-layer optimization, from fundamental
 information theoretic results to considerations for
 multimedia quality of service. Our goal is to have a single
 track meeting with lively scientific discussions and
 fruitful exchange of research views and perspectives. The
 program will be organized to promote networking activities
 between the participants including daily social outdoors
 activities, primarily skiing.
 We therefore invite submissions of extended abstracts (2
 pages maximum, double column, IEEE style) for technical
 presentations or posters targeting, but not limited to the
 Asymptotic system properties (capacity, connectivity,
 coverage, delay)
 Scalability and manageability of network architectures
 Resource management, mobility management, and admission
 Inter-networking and integration of wireless heterogeneous
 and multi-tier
 Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications, and Internet of
 Things (IoT)
 Performance engineering in WLAN, MESH, FSO, LTE, and other
 cellular or multitier technologies
 Location and tracking
 Wireless network planning, capacity analysis, and topology
 Self-organizing wireless networks
 Game theoretic models, pricing and incentives
 Energy efficiency and green communications
 Delay tolerant wireless networks
 Cognitive radios
  and cooperative/opportunistic communications
 Massive MIMO (or large-scale antennas systems)
 Compressed sensing applications in wireless networks
 Ad hoc, mesh and sensor networks
 Advanced physical layer solutions
 Please submit your Abstract in a .pdf file format via email
 to: snow2014 at itn.liu.se
  organizers have secured funds for subsidies to support part
 of the costs for a limited number of participants, with
 preference given to PhD students.
 Important Dates
 Extended Abstract Submission
 Dec. 8, 2013
 Notification of
 Dec. 16, 2013
 Registration & Accommodation Reservation
 Jan. 10, 2014
 Apr. 2-4, 2014
 General co-chairs:
      Di Yuan, Linköping University,
      Björn Landfeldt, Lund University,
 Technical program co-chairs:
      Lars K. Rasmussen, KTH, Sweden
      Marian Codreanu, CWC-University of
 Oulu, Finland
      Anthony Ephremides, University of
 Maryland, USA & Linköping University, Sweden
      Tommy Svensson, Chalmers University
 of Technology, Sweden
      Vangelis Angelakis, Linköping
 University, Sweden
      Sara M. Razavi, Linköping
 University, Sweden, Sweden
 Publicity co-chairs:
      Scott Fowler, Linköping
 University, Sweden
      Kimmo Kansanen: NTNU, Norway
 Steering Committee:
      Matti Latva-aho, CWC-University of
      Ralf Müller, University
 Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
      Behnaam Aazhang, Rice University,
      Antonio Capone, Politecnico di
 Milano, Italy

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