[agents] PAAMS 2014 Special Session in Agents Behaviours and Artificial Markets

mathieu philippe philippe.mathieu at univ-lille1.fr
Tue Nov 26 04:03:12 EST 2013

PAAMS 2014 - Special Session

Agents Behaviours and Artificial Markets


Chair : Philippe MATHIEU, LIFL, Université Lille 1

In recent years, the world of Finance has benefited from a tremendous
stream of innovations coming from the computer science community. Among
others, simulation techniques have allowed to test new methods in
algorithmic trading while new regulation or market innovations have
imposed to optimize the automation of trade execution, in an
increasingly complex financial system. Artificial Intelligence, in this
context, finds a new field of amazing applications.

This session of the PAAMS 2014 conference will focus on the application
of agents and all artificial intelligence techniques applied to the
fields of Financial Economics. Areas of special interest include
\emph{but are not limited to} simulation, algorithmic trading,
agent-based artificial markets, high performance trading.

Important dates:
- Paper submission deadline: 27th January 2014
- Acceptance notification: 17th February, 2014
- Final version submission: 10th March, 2014
- Conference dates: 4th - 6th June, 2014

Papers should respect the templates of the conference and not exceed 8
pages. Please, refer to the website for formatting instructions
http://www.paams.net/ and submitted in electronic form (PDF format)
using the PAAMS 2014 conference management system.

Scientific Committee:

Dr. Javier Arroyo (University Complutense Madrid),
Dr. Bruno Beaufils ( University of Lille1),
Pr. Olivier Brandouy (University of Paris 1),
Dr. Florian Hauser (University of Innsbruck),
Pr. Philippe Mathieu (University of Lille1),
Pr. Adolfo López Paredes (University of Valladolid);
Pr. Marco Raberto (University of Genoa),
Dr. Roger Waldeck (Telecom Bretagne),
Pr. Murat Yildizoglu (University of Bordeaux IV)

Pr Philippe MATHIEU
Vice-Président de l'Université Lille 1
chargé des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
Responsable de l'équipe SMAC du LIFL UMR 8022 CNRS
Tel: +33 (0)3 20 43 42 90 - +33 (0)3 59 63 22 25

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