[agents] PRIMA/AI 2013 - Second call for workshop papers

Tony Savarimuthu tony.savarimuthu at otago.ac.nz
Sun Sep 8 16:59:13 EDT 2013

Submissions are solicited for the following four workshops that are co-located with PRIMA 2013 and AI 2013 (to be held in Dunedin, New Zealand from 1-6 December, 2013). The individual CFPs for these workshops can be found in the links below.

* The Fourth International Workshop on Collaborative Agents - Research and Development (CARE 2013)<http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/%7Extg/CARE2013/>,  "CARE for a Smarter Society", including a special track on Agent-Based Systems for Energy and Environmental Sustainability

*  Co-ordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems, COIN at PRIMA 2013<http://coin2013-prima.tudelft.nl/>, including a special track on Agent-Based Modelling for Policy Engineering

* The Third Australasian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Health (AIH 2013)<http://aehrc.com/centre-events/icalrepeat.detail/2013/12/03/41/-/third-australian-workshop-on-artificial-intelligence-in-health-aih-2013>

* Workshop on Machine Learning for Sensory Data Analysis (MLSDA 2013)<http://www.covic.otago.ac.nz/MLSDA13/>


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