[agents] postdoc and PhD position on 'Coordination and coalition formation in large-scale and dynamic distributed adaptive software systems'

Tom Holvoet tom.holvoet at cs.kuleuven.be
Fri Jul 26 03:04:51 EDT 2013

Coordination and coalition formation in large-scale and dynamic distributed adaptive software systems

Two open positions for computer scientists
one PhD researcher
one postdoctoral researcher

      at KULeuven, Belgium, Dept. Computer Science, DistriNet-iMinds labs

Project - context

"ADaptive Distributed Software (ADDIS)"

The project that makes the context of the available positions is ADDIS, a research program that addresses the fundamental problem of enhancing the creation and the deployment of adaptive distributed software systems and applications. Due to the large scale of contemporary applications, the inherent decentralized control and the varying operational circumstances (partial failure, disconnected operation), future adaptive systems will more than ever be confronted with partial information and uncertainty: choosing adaptations and enforcing these decisions with appropriate mechanisms is hard. The ADDIS program aims to improve the adaptive capabilities of distributed software systems by improving upon three essential sub-domains that inherently contribute to this challenge, and by creating synergies between these sub-domains: context aware distributed computing, decentralized coordination, and enabling technologies for distributed adaptation. ADDIS is the result of three DistriNet teams joining forces, each team being an expert in one of the above sub-domains.

Requirements - themes of research

The open research positions of this announcement relate to the sub-domain of large-scale decentralized software systems. In particular, both positions will study coordination and coalition formation in such large-scale and dynamic distributed adaptive software systems. Therefore, both positions expect profound knowledge and experience in at least 3 of the following themes:

Multi-agent systems
Coordination protocols (distributed planning, auction protocols, etc.)
Coalition formation
Game theory / mechanism design
Software architecture design
Application domains of transport and logistics, e-health, smart power grids

  Further requirements for candidates include
having a strong track record in education and research
having a scientific, critical attitude
being proficient in English, both in writing and in speaking
having great communication and social skills, team player
having an independent working style
experience and a convincing scientific track record are mandatory for the postdoc position.

The main objective of the PhD position is to do thorough study on coalition formation in large-scale multi-agent systems, validated in a case study that is relevant to ADDIS. The study will start from the team's work on 'delegate MAS', a coordination mechanism specifically targetted at large-scale and dynamic distributed software systems, which has been and is being applied in the area of transportation adn logistics, traffic, smart power grids. The research must be integrated with the other tracks of the research project through a common software architecture for adaptive systems. The period of appointment is 4 years (with intermediary evaluations).

Additionally to high-quality research (both theoretical and practical), the responsibilities of the postdoc will be to guide PhD research and to strengthen the long-term objectives of the team. The period of appointment is 2 years (with intermediary evaluations), potentially extensible with an additional 2 years.

For more information and for applying...

For more information about the positions, and for applying for a position, please contact:

Prof. Tom Holvoet
DistriNet-iMinds Labs - Dept. of Computer Science, KULeuven, Belgium

For more information about the KULeuven:

When applying, make sure to include (pdf versions of):
a detailed resume (with publications in pdf, if any)
a motivational letter specifically referring to the open positions
copies of marks and degrees/certificates
a list of 3 references that we can contact
your MSc and/or PhD thesis in English (or a 5-page summary in English).

The deadline for application is
September 30, 2013.
After this date, the positions may remain open until suitable candidates are found. Proposed starting date is January 1, 2014 (to be discussed after selection).

Please forward to interested staff/students...

Prof. Dr. Tom Holvoet
DistriNet labs
Dept. of Computer Science

Celestijnenlaan, 200A
B-3001 Leuven

+32 16 32.76.38

Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm

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