[agents] IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award Winner

Edmund Durfee durfee at umich.edu
Fri Apr 12 14:27:36 EDT 2013

Cristiano Castelfranchi is the winner of this year's IFAAMAS Influential
Paper Award, in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the field
as exemplified by the following two influential papers:

   - Cristiano Castelfranchi, "Modelling social action for AI agents."
   Artificial Intelligence, Volume 103, Issues 1-2, August 1998, Pages 157-182.
   - Cristiano Castelfranchi, “Commitment: From individual intentions to
   groups and organizations.” First International Conference on Multi-Agent
   Systems, pages 41-49, 1995.

Cristiano Castelfranchi will give a presentation on his work on Friday May
10 at the AAMAS Conference in St. Paul, MN, USA.

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