[agents] ACM TOIT CFP: Foundations of Social Computing

Amit Chopra akchopra.mail at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 15:05:27 EDT 2013

                         ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)

                          Call for Papers for a Theme Section on
                               Foundations of Social Computing

Social computing broadly refers to computing-supported approaches that
facilitate interactions among people and organizations.  Social computing
has emerged as an exciting multidisciplinary area of research, driven by
the wealth of easily available information and the success of online social
networks and social media.  What is still lacking though is a deeper
conceptual understanding of information in social computing, especially its
pragmatic aspects, such as social meaning, ownership, flow, and use.

We invite high-quality submissions for a special theme section on the
principles and concepts underlying information in social computing. We
especially welcome novel computational treatments of social interaction and
social relationships. Subthemes and topics include:

* Social provenance
* Sociotechnical systems, including applications such as healthcare and
smart cities
* Participatory decision-making in communities
* Business processes
* Services
* Software engineering

* Contracts
* Argumentation
* Collaboration and teamwork
* Social networks
* Crowdsourcing
* Collective intelligence

* Social expectations and norms
* Social relationships
* Culture
* Regulations
* Protocols

* Social middleware
* Distributed knowledge bases
* Social software
* Social sensing
* Cloud computing

* Identity
* Trust
* Compliance and accountability
* Privacy
* Security
* Governance

Important Dates
Submissions: 31 October 2013
First decisions: 15 January 2014
Revisions: 28 February 2014
Final decisions: 30 April 2014
Final: 31 May 2014
Publication date: 31 October 2014

To submit a paper, please follow the instructions on the TOIT submission
instructions page: http://toit.acm.org/submission.html

Theme Editors
Amit K. Chopra
Lancaster University
a.chopra1 at lancaster.ac.uk

Raian Ali
Bournemouth University
rali at bournemouth.ac.uk

Maja Vukovic
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
maja at us.ibm.com

ACM TOIT Editor-in-Chief
Munindar P. Singh
Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University
mpsingh at acm.org

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