[agents] International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-13): Call for Workshop Proposals

Michael O'Grady michael.j.ogrady at ucd.ie
Tue Apr 9 08:03:00 EDT 2013

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Call for Workshop Proposals

International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-13)
Dublin, Ireland.
December 3rd - 5th 2013


Workshops are an opportunity to meet in the context of the conference 
and discuss a common theme and/or common topics of interest. In 
particular, emerging and future areas in AmI are particularly suitable 
to the workshop format.
The workshop should have the potential to move the field forward and 
suggest promising directions. Workshops could be either half-day (3 
hours per day) or full day (6 hours per day). Prospective workshop 
organizers are invited to submit a proposal for consideration. If the 
workshop is accepted, it will be publicized on the conference web site 
and potential participants invited to submit a paper. Criteria, 
reviewing and acceptance is handled by the workshop organizers. 
Workshops are only open to people accepted by the workshop organizers 
and registered for the conference; however a minimum number of attendees 
for the workshop will be defined by the conference. Workshop organizers 
will be expected to set up an external web page delivering all the 
necessary information for interested people.

Please submit a one/two page proposal using the following headings
1.	Title of Workshop
2.	Organizers, Affiliations and Contact details
3.	Brief description of  Topic of Workshop
4.	Rationale  - why this topic is of interest
5.	Experience of Organizing workshops/conferences
6.	Outline of plan for organizing the workshop including, for example, 
publicity, TPC recruitment,  Review procedures, expected number of 
participants, profile of participants and any other information deemed 

On acceptance of the workshop proposal, organizers will be asked to 
prepare a two page outline for inclusion in the conference proceedings. 
Final camera-ready versions of accepted workshop proposals must be 
accompanied by a signed copyright form.

Important Dates
Proposal Submission:  20 April 2013
Notification of Acceptance: 30 April 2013
It is envisaged that all workshops at AmI 2013 will be held on the 3rd 
of December 2013.

The conference organizers  envisage that the proceedings of the 
workshops will be published in an edition of the book series Ambient 
Intelligence & Smart Environments published by IOS Press. 
  for further details.

Enquiries and submission of proposals to the workshop chairs:
Dr. Michael O'Grady,
University College Dublin.
Email: Michael.j.ogrady [at] ucd.ie

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