[agents] ACAI summer school on Computational Models of Argument

Oren, N. n.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Thu Apr 4 14:09:02 EDT 2013

ACAI Summer School on Computational Models of Argument

In odd-numbered years, the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence sponsors a specialised course in Artificial Intelligence, called Advanced Course on AI (ACAI).

The ACAI Summer School 2013 (ACAI 2013) will be held at King's College London, UK, from the 1st July to the 5th July 2013 and is on the topic of Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence.

Computational models of argument, and the development of agreement technologies, is becoming an important area in artificial intelligence. The aim of the summer school is to provide the attendees with a solid grounding in the basic ideas in formal modelling of argumentation, dialogue, and negotiation. Furthermore, there will be a programme of lectures on application areas, lab sessions on software developments, and lectures linking with areas in AI and beyond.

ACAI 2013 will be co-located and run in parallel with the European Agent Systems Summer School 2013, giving students the opportunity to interact with a wide variety of peers.

More information, including a preliminary programme, and how to apply to join the summer school, is available on the website.


Dr. Nir Oren                                                     n.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Department of Computing Science            Tel: +44 (0) 1224 274162
University of Aberdeen                                 Fax: +44 (0) 1224 273422
AB24 3UE                                                       http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~niroren/

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

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