[agents] AMW SCHOOL May 19-20, 2013

jcnieves jcnieves at cs.umu.se
Fri Mar 8 06:22:38 EST 2013

Apologies for cross-postings.


AMW SCHOOL May 19-20, 2013, Puebla/Cholula, Mexico

Collocated with "The 7th Alberto Mendelzon International WS of Foundations of Data Management", (May 21-23, 2013, Puebla/Cholula, Mexico)


We invite all undergraduate and graduate students interested on the
foundational aspects of Data Management and the Web - and, very
specially, those from Latin America - to attend the AMW School 2013.

In 2012, AMW offered a day dedicated to students, which was called the
Student Session. For 2013, AMW is going to host the first edition of
AMW School, a two day event dedicated to a panel and three tutorials:

- Magdalena Ortiz (Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria):
"Reasoning and Query Answering in Description Logics"

- Mauricio Osorio (Universidad de Las Americas Puebla, Mexico):
"Answer set programming and databases"

- Ana Carolina Salgado (Universidade Federale de Pernambuco, Brazil):
"Data integration systems and the Semantic Web"

Students interested in participating please register by sending an
e-mail to the chairs of the AMW school: Pablo Barcelo
(pbarcelo at dcc.uchile.cl) and Mirella Moro (mirella at dcc.ufmg.br).


The school will also have an associated session for student posters to
be held during the AMW Workshop (this is a voluntary event: AMW school
participants are encouraged but not forced to participate). We solicit
poster submissions on the topics of interest for the AMW School. The
goal of the poster session is to provide the students with an opportunity
to present their research ideas, receive feedback from and interact
with senior members of the community.


The Student Poster Session invites poster submissions of graduate
on-going work. The reviewers will evaluate: the potential of
developing high-quality dissertation/thesis, how much of the work is
already done, and the potential for creating interesting discussions
during the student session.

Paper submissions must be in electronic form using Portable Document
Format (.pdf). Papers should be formatted according to the Springer
LaTeX2e style llncs for Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The length
should not exceed 4 (four) pages. Papers longer than 4 pages risk
rejection without consideration of their merits. The main author of
the paper must be a graduate student, who must attend the AMW School
to present the work.

The proceedings will be published in electronic format as a CEUR
Workshop Proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org). Submissions must be sent
to the chairs of the AMW school: Pablo Barcelo (pbarcelo at dcc.uchile.cl)
and Mirella Moro (mirella at dcc.ufmg.br).


Submission: March 22, 2013 (*firm deadline*)
Notification: April 8, 2013
Camera-ready: April 15, 2013
AMW School dates: May 19-20, 2013
AMW Workshop dates: May 21-23, 2013.

We expect to confirm soon some limited travel support for students from South America.

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