[agents] Hybrid Autonomous Systems Workshop: HAS'2013 First Call for Papers

Manuela Bujorianu lmbujorianu at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 08:55:36 EST 2012

[Apologies for multiple copies]


                          FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

           Third Workshop on Hybrid Autonomous Systems (HAS 2013)

   A satellite event of

  European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software ETAPS 2013

          March 17, 2013, Rome, Italy




The interest on autonomous systems is increasing both in industry and

Such systems must operate with limited human intervention in a changing

environment and must be able to compensate for significant system failures

without external intervention. The hybrid discrete-continuous models
constitute appropriate models of autonomous systems . Hybrid systems have
behaviours characterised by  the interaction between continuous and
discrete dynamics and research in the area is driven by  several school of
thoughts. One approach is mainly focussed on applications to automation
systems and the models and methods are centred on the concept of hybrid
automaton (deterministic or probabilistic). A distinct school of thought
interprets hybrid systems as control systems with regime change. Such
systems are highly adaptive and suitable for modelling autonomic
behaviours. The most prominent models of this approach are the stochastic
hybrid systems and the mixed logical and dynamical systems. There is a
clear research opportunity to combine these approaches
for developing models, methods, techniques, methodologies, tools and
environments for autonomous systems engineering. This workshop brings
together researchers interested in all aspects

of autonomy and resilience of hybrid systems.


Topics include (but are not limited to):

Ø new modelling paradigms for autonomous systems;

Ø verification and safety certification techniques;

Ø modelling, analysis and control of hybrid systems;

Ø uncertainty and stochastic modelling;

Ø multi-agent systems;

Ø algebraic and categorical methods;

Ø interaction between hybrid modelling and complexity science;

Ø reports on case studies and practical experiments;

Ø autonomous systems in natural science (e.g. from biology, ecology,


* Maria Domenica di Benedetto, L'Aquila University, IT

* Radu Grosu, Vienna University of Technology, AU

* Rafael Wisniewski, Aalborg University, DEN


In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop solicits

the submission of regular papers, which must contain original work, and

must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for

publication elsewhere. The accepted submissions should clearly indicate

the membership to one of the following categories:

- technical contributions;

- tutorials on a topic of importance;

- surveys on large extent cross-disciplinary research (e.g., project

- reports on early stage or ongoing work.

For each category of submission the novelty of the submission has to be
clearly stated and

the page limit should vary between 6 and 15 pages.

All submissions must be in PDF format and use the EPTCS latex style, see

Submissions can be made on the following website:


The workshop PC will review all regular paper submissions to select

appropriate ones, ones for acceptance in each category, based on their

relevance, merit,  originality, and technical content.

The authors of accepted submissions are expected to present and discuss

their work at the workshop. Accepted regular papers will be published

in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS).

A special issue in a journal is under consideration.


    Submission (regular paper): January 3, 2013

    Notification: January 24, 2013

    Final version (ETAPS proceedings): February 14, 2013

    Workshop: March 17, 2013

    Final version (EPTCS post proceedings): TBA


PC Chairs:

    * Luca Bortolussi, University of Trieste, IT

    * Manuela Bujorianu, University of Warwick, UK

    * Giordano Pola,  University of L’Aquila, IT

Program Committee:

Ezio Bartocci <http://www.eziobartocci.com/>, TU Wien, AU

Maria Domenica di Benedetto <http://dews.univaq.it/dibenedetto/>, L'Aquila
University, IT

Luca Bortolussi <http://www.dmi.units.it/%7Ebortolu/>, University of
Trieste, IT (co-Chair)

Manuela Bujorianu<http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/maths/people/staff/bujorianu/has2013/Manuela%20Bujorianu>,
University of Warwick, UK (co-Chair)

Alberto Casagrande <http://www.dmi.units.it/%7Ecasagran/>, Univeristy of
Trieste, IT

Thao Dang <http://www-verimag.imag.fr/%7Etdang/>, Verimag, FR

Louise Dennis <http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/%7Elad/>, University of Liverpool,

Clare Dixon <http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/%7Eclare/>, University of Liverpool,

Alexandre Donzé <http://www-verimag.imag.fr/%7Edonze/>, UC Berkeley, US

Martin Fränzle, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, DE

Ichiro Hasuo <http://www-mmm.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/%7Eichiro/>, University of
Tokio, JP

Agung Julius <http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/%7Eagung/>, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, US

Toshimitsu Ushio, Osaka University, JP

Giordano Pola <http://www.diel.univaq.it/people/pola/>, L'Aquila
University, IT (co-Chair)

Rom Langerak <http://wwwhome.ewi.utwente.nl/%7Elangerak/>, University of
Twente, NL*
*David Parker <http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/%7Eparkerdx/>, University of
Birmingham, UK

Guido Sanguinetti, <http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gsanguin/> University of
Edinburgh, UK

Olaf Stursberg<http://www.uni-kassel.de/eecs/fachgebiete/control/team/prof-stursberg.html>,
University of Kassel, DE

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