[agents] Call for papers: International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient, and Autonomic Systems

Vincenzo De Florio enzodeflorio at virgilio.it
Fri Nov 9 05:25:40 EST 2012

Dear Sirs, dear Madams,


please find attached the new description, mission, and call for papers
of IJARAS, the International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems,
established in 2010 and about to issue its fourth yearly volume. For any
questions about IJARAS and its Advanced Book Series please contact me through
vincenzo.deflorio at ua.ac.be. Thank you very much.


Kind regards,

Vincenzo De Florio





The International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems
(IJARAS) examines systems and organizations characterized by the following
two properties: the ability to self-adapt to the characteristics of
rapidly changing and turbulent environments by adopting complex individual
and social strategies and the ability to control their changes to prevent
the invalidation of their original mission statements. The central focus
of IJARAS is on modeling, simulating, designing, developing, maintaining,
evaluating, and benchmarking such “entelechial systems”. Perception,
awareness, and the planning and execution of resilient adaptation
behaviors in systems and organizations are central topics of the journal.
Such systems range from individual and simple embedded systems with
limited perception and predefined specialized behaviors to complex hybrid
social organizations like cyber-physical societies or service-oriented
communities, whose emerging behaviors are many and, in some cases,
difficult to predict. IJARAS focuses on the full spectrum of these problems
providing academicians, practitioners, and researchers with awareness and
insight on conceptual models, applied and theoretical approaches,
paradigms, and other technological innovations on self-adaptive and/or
self-resilient systems and organizations of any scale and nature.





Society is currently experiencing the increasing population of “things,”
able to autonomously link with each other and enact complex strategies to
achieve tasks. The emergence of the Semantic Web, the Internet-of-Things,
Ambient Intelligence, and cyber-physical societies make it impossible to
capture the intricacies of the future highly dynamic and turbulent
networks of interrelated computer-based and hybrid components. As such, it
is important that systems are designed to self-adapt to changes without
diverging from their intended functions as prescribed in their
specifications. The mission of the International Journal of Adaptive,
Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS) is to offer awareness and
visibility to novel techniques and methods to achieve self-adaptability
and self-resilience when systems and organizations are deployed in
environments where change is the rule rather than the exception. IJARAS is
also a tool to enhance the awareness of the key role played by said
techniques and methods: engineering self-adaptive and self-resilient systems
and organizations is an urgent necessity to keep society resilient in the face
of the technology that sustains it. The journal pursues its mission by
addressing researchers, practitioners, engineers, educators, and
professionals and by publishing novel results on each of the diverse
components of such a complex and multi-disciplinary research problem.



Topics Covered


Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to)
the following:


- Adaptive data integrity

- Adaptive fault-tolerance

- Analytical and simulation tools to measure a system’s ability to
withstand faults and   

  optimally re-adjust to new environments

- Architecture-based adaptation

- Autonomic applications

- Autonomous and adaptive systems in robotics

- Biologically inspired mechanisms to enact complex adaptation

- Collective strategies for adaptation and resilience, including
cooperation, competition,  

  co-opetition, co-innovation, and co-evolution

- Complex adaptive-and-resilient systems and organizations

- Context- and situation-awareness

- Design-time/run-time methods and tools to identify and enforce optimal
trade-offs between 

  energy consumption, performance, safety, and security

- Dynamics of complex adaptive and resilient systems and organizations

- Human aspects

- Evolutionary approaches to autonomic computing, resilience, and
adaptive systems

- Mechanisms to model, design, express, and develop adaptive, autonomic,
and resilient   


- Methods to express resilience (e.g., resilience policies and

- Perception and introspection capabilities

- Personalization

- Quality of experience

- Recovery-oriented computing

- Resilient adaptation behavior composition

- Resilient adaptation planning

- Resilience and adaptation in management science

- Resilience engineering

- Role of diversity in the emergence of survivability, innovability,
value capture, etc.

- Role of organizations on the emergence of adaptation and resilience:

  holarchies, fractal social organizations, etc.

- Scalable, maintainable, and cost-effective provisions located at all
system levels  

  to achieve adaptability and dependability

- Self-adaptive and self-resilient systems: models, design, development,

  evaluation, and benchmarking issues

- Software elasticity: techniques, tools, and approaches to absorb and
tolerate the     

  consequences of failures, attacks, and changes within and without
system boundaries



Submissions and enquiries:


- To submit a paper please visit 


  or send your paper to vincenzo.deflorio at ua.ac.be.

- For enquiries please contact the editor in chief through
vincenzo.deflorio at ua.ac.be.



Advanced Book Series:


- An Advances Book Series is now associated with IJARAS: Advances
in Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (AARAS). All papers published
in IJARAS will also appear (possibly extended) as chapters in the volumes
in this series. The first volume of this series is available from March
2012 as "Technological Innovations in Adaptive and DependableSystems:
Advancing Models and Concepts" and may be ordered from http://www.igi-global.com/book/technological-innovations-adaptive-dependable-systems/59728. A second volume,
entitled "Innovations and Approaches for Resilient and Adaptive Systems,"
is available from September 2012 and may be ordered from http://www.igi-global.com/book/innovations-approaches-resilient-adaptive-systems/66376

For enquiries please contact the editor in chief through vincenzo.deflorio
at ua.ac.be.


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