[agents] Labs on Arduino, Contiki OS and CONET Robot testbed in Robosense School, Deadline Nov 15

Anis Koubaa (COINS) akoubaa at coins-lab.org
Wed Nov 7 14:30:01 EST 2012

Program Highlight

- One tutorial and lab on Arduino sensor network technology
- One tutorial and lab on Contiki OS for sensor network programming and
- One lab on CONET robotic and sensor networks testbed
- 2 lectures on UAVs
- lectures on real-world applications on robotic and sensor networks (Web of
things, large-scale deployments, ...)
- Information processing in robots and sensor networks (robotic vision, WSN
optimization, localization, )
- Algorithms and protocols (planning, task allocation, networking protocols)


              RoboSense 2012: The International School on Cooperative Robots
and Sensor Networks
                                    Hammamet, Tunisia, 18-22 December 2012 

15, 2012

Program available on this link: http://www.robosense.org/program.php 


Mobile robots and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have enabled great
potentials and a large space for ubiquitous and pervasive applications.
Robotics and WSNs have mostly been considered as separate research fields
and little work has investigated the marriage between these two
technologies. However, these two technologies share several features, enable
common cyber-physical applications and provide complementary support to each

The objective of this school is to bring together researchers from academia,
and industry working in to both robotics and sensor networks areas to
present and discuss recent advances and innovative ideas pertaining to these
fields. RoboSense 2012 also aims to present a comprehensive state-of-the-art
of the enabling technologies for the concept of mobile robots, Wireless
Sensor Networks, intelligent transportation systems, wireless standard
protocols, cooperative robots, etc. from the basic concepts to the latest
achievement and the future challenges in the related research area.

The program does not only include theoretical lectures, but also encompasses
three hands-on labs: one lab on wireless sensor networks, one lab on robotic
and one lab on the remote CONET testbed. 


The goals of the RoboSense 2012 School are as follows:

   + Provide a basic survey of the current research works and challenges on
mobile and cooperative robots, cyber-physical and sensor-based systems.
   + Provide a overview of the current enabling technologies for robotics,
cyber-physical and sensor-based systems.
   + Provide a good opportunity to meet people and distinguished scholars
working on robotic, cyber-physical and sensor-based systems.
   + Establish contacts that may lead to research collaborations in the


The expected audience are:

    + Post-graduate students, PhD students, and young researchers from
universities: RoboSense 2012 will provide a very thorough and comprehensive
background for young researchers starting their work in the areas of
Robotic, WSNs and CPS.
    + Researchers and engineers from academic and industrial laboratories
around the world.
    + Industrials who wish to discover the innovative applications of
robotic, sensor networks and cyber physical systems.

We expect hosting 100 participants.


Satellite Events

+ Demos & Posters session: This session will be dedicated to the
demonstrations and presentations of preliminary and ongoing works of PhD
students addressing WSNs and networked robots. Demo and Poster papers must
be submitted to the session chair and must not exceed two pages.
+ Awards: Best Master/Ph.D. Awards: Ph.D. dissertations and Master theses
already defended can be submitted to participate to the awards competition.
+ Industrial Exhibition: Industrial companies representatives will be
invited to present their robotic and sensor networks products. 

LECTURERS (in progress)

- Mario Alves , CISTER Research Unit, (Portugal)
- Carlo Fischione, Royal Institute of Technology, (Sweden)
- José Ramiro Martinez de Dios , University of Seville, (Spain)
- Thiemo Voigt , Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), (Sweeden)
- Simon Duquennoy , Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), (Sweeden)
- Davide Scaramuzza , University of Zurich, (Switzerland)
- Antidio Viguria Jiménez , University of Seville, (Spain)
-  Ivan Maza , the University of Seville, (Spain)
-  Baptiste Gaultier, Télécom Bretagne in Brittany, (France)


The city of Hammamet is located in the eastern part of Tunisia on the
Mediterranean coast. 
Located at 60 Km from the capital (Tunis). 



Participation is open to all interested applicants from academia and
industry. Registration fees are:

or any query, please contact registration "at" robosense "dot" org.

Registration fees are*:

        EUR 480 for early application before 15 October 2012 for Academia.
        EUR 550 for normal application after 15 November 2012 and before 30
August for Academia.
        EUR 580 for application for industry before 15 October 2012.
        EUR 650 for application for industry after 15 November 2012 and
before 30 August.
        Group registration: 20% reduction for a group of 4 participants or
more from the same institute.

The fees cover registration, accommodation in the hotel hosting RoboSense
2012 (4 /5 star hotel), food, coffee breaks, and social event excursions.

*A total supplement of Euro 70 will be applied for a single room.  

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