[agents] 2nd CFP: JIST 2012 (The Joint International Semantic Technology Conference)

Kouji Kozaki kozaki at ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp
Thu Jun 28 16:28:24 EDT 2012

* The Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2012)
* http://www.ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/jist2012/
* December 2-4, 2012
* Nara, Japan
* Submissions due: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), August 24, 2012

The Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST) is a regional 
federation of Semantic Technology related conferences. The mission of JIST 
is to bring together researchers in Semantic Technology research community 
and other areas of semantic related technologies to present their innovative 
research results or novel applications of semantic technologies. 

The JIST 2012 solicits the submission of original research papers on Semantic 
Web and other semantic technologies, as well as papers on applications of 
semantic technologies.

*** NEW ***
* Call for In-Use Track Papers Started. 

* Travel Grants for Students are Available
We provide travel grants for students. The candidate is the first author of 
an accepted full paper of the main conference. See the following links for 

* Four Keynote Speakers are confirmed.
Prof. Eero Hyvonen
Prof. Junichi Tsujii
Prof. Juanzi Li
Dr. Tom Heath


* Topics of Interest for Regular Technical Sessions

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

** Ontology and Reasoning
- Ontology modeling, reuse, extraction, and evolution
- Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment
- Ontology evaluation
- Searching and ranking ontologies
- Reasoning over Semantic Web data
- New formalisms (such as probabilistic approaches)
- Lightweight semantics (linked data, microformats, etc.)

** Management of Semantic Web Data
- Languages, tools, and methodologies for Semantic Web data
- Database, IR, and AI technologies for Semantic Web data
- Robust and scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web
- Machine learning and information extraction on the Web
- Cleaning, assurance, and provenance of Semantic Web data, services, and

** Linked Data 
- Publication of Linked Data
- Consumption of Linked Data
- Reasoning with Linked Data
- Search, query, integration, and analysis on Linked Data
- Integration and mashup of Linked Data
- Mining of Linked Data
- Domain specific applications (eGovernment, disaster, life science etc.)

**Social Semantic Web
- Semantics for social media data
- Social network analysis with Semantic Web Technologies 
- Querying, mining and analysis of social semantic data
- Social Semantic Web applications
- Semantic Web technologies for collaboration and cooperation
- Representing and reasoning about trust, privacy, and security

** Applications of the Semantic Web
- Semantic Web for large scale applications
- Semantic Web for desktops or personal information management
- Semantic Web for multimedia, sensors, and situational awareness
- Semantic Web for P2P, services, agents, grids, and middleware
- Semantic Web for software and systems engineering
- Mobile Semantic Web
- Interface for Semantic Web

* Topics for In-Use Track

Topics of Interest, but are not limited to
- Description of an implemented application of semantic technology in a 
  specific domain.
- Description of concrete problems in specific application domains, for 
  which semantic technology can provide a solution.
- Analysis and evaluation of usability and uptake of semantic tools
- Learned lessons and best practices from deploying and using an 
  application or service based on semantic technology
- Assessment of costs and benefits of implementing, deploying, using, and 
  managing semantic technology
- Analysis of risks and opportunities of using semantic technology in 
  organizations with respect to their businesses and customers
- Pragmatics of using or deploying semantic technology in real-world scenarios
- Comparison of semantic technology with alternative approaches that use 
  conventional or competing technologies
- Semantic technology in new application domains, including: eGovernment, 
  eHealth, smart cities, Life Sciences, Sensor networks, Media and 
  entertainment, Telecommunications, Cultural heritage, Financial services, 
  Energy and utilities, Manufacturing, Digital libraries, cloud applications, 
  Personal Information Management, etc.

* Submission

Submissions to JIST 2012 should describe original, significant research 
on the semantic technologies. Submissions to JIST 2012 are expected to
present their claimed contribution, with  clear evidence to support their 
claims. All submissions will be critically reviewed by at least three 
members of the program committee. To assess submissions, reviewers will
judge their relevance to semantic technologies, their originality, the 
technical soundness of their proposed approach and the readability of
the submission. 
Submissions must be in PDF format, using the style of the Springer 
Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Submissions must be no longer than *16* pages for REGULAR TECHNICAL SESSIONS 
and *6* pages for IN-USE TRACK.
Submissions that exceed this limit may be rejected without review. 
JIST 2012 will not accept submissions that are under review for or have 
already been published in or accepted for publication in a journal or 
another conference.
The proceedings will be published as a book in Lecture Note for 
Computer Science (LNCS) by Springer. 

All submissions be submitted via EasyChair  at

Accepted papers will be distributed to conference attendees and also 
published by Springer in the printed conference proceedings. 
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the 
conference and present the paper there.

* Important Dates
- Submissions due: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), August 24, 2012
- Conference: December 2-4, 2012

* Organization

** General Chair
- Riichiro Mizoguchi: Osaka University, Japan

** Program Chairs
- Hideaki Takeda: National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
- Yuzhong Qu: Nanjing University, China

** In-Use Track Chair:
- Takahiro Kawamura: Toshiba Corp., Japan

** Special Track Chair:
- Tetsuro Toyoda: RIKEN, Japan

** Poster and Demo Chairs:
- Ryutaro Ichise: National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
- Seokchan Yun: Daum Communications Corp., Korea

** Workshop Chairs:
- Zhiqiang Gao: Southeast University, China
- Hakrae Kim: Samsung Electronics, Korea

** Tutorial Chairs:
- Ikki Ohmukai: National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
- Hanmin Jung: Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea

** Publicity Chair:
- Kouji Kozaki: Osaka University, Japan

** Local Organizing Chair:
- Yoshinobu Kitamura: Osaka University, Japan

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