Kouji Kozaki kozaki at ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp
Wed Jun 20 00:21:39 EDT 2012

* The Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2012)
* http://www.ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/jist2012/
* December 2-4, 2012
* Nara, Japan
* Submissions due: 14:59 (Hawaii Time) Saturday June 30 (Extended) 
*                 [09:59 (Tokyo Time)  Sunday July 1 ]

JIST 2012: Call for proposals for Special Tracks

JIST 2012 introduces Special Tracks. The philosophy behind Special Tracks 
is to introduce a "bottom-up way" to discover and implement special topics 
that Asian region researchers are particularly interested in. By doing this, 
we intend to facilitate the proactive participation of researchers in JIST 
See details: http://www.ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/jist2012/

We solicit topics from potential authors as proposals. The proposals are 
evaluated by the Special Track chair under consultation with the general 
chair and program chairs. Accepted tracks will have invitations announced 
for paper submissions. 

Each accepted Special track is organized in the following way:

(a) Six-page short papers will be submitted and reviewed in the same way 
    as the main technical papers and will be included in the Proceedings 
    if accepted.
(b) Presentations of these papers are done in the same way as the main 
    technical sessions under the title of, say, "Special track on TOPIC-XYZ" 
    with 20 min slot for each.

* Important dates:
  - Submission due: 14:59 (Hawaii Time) Saturday June 30 (Extended) 
                  [ 09:59 (Tokyo Time)  Sunday July 1  ]
  - Announcement/ Call for Papers: Monday June 25, 2012
  - Conference: December 2-4, 2012

* Special Track proposal submission should include the following items: 
  - Title of the Track
  - Brief description and reason
  - Name
  - Affiliation
  - Email address
  - Reference URL

* Proposals should be sent to via Email:
  - Tetsuro TOYODA, toyoda at base.riken.jp
    Division Director, RIKEN, Japan 
  With CC:
  - Riichiro MIZOGUCHI miz at ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp
    Professor, Osaka University, Japan
  - Hideaki TAKEDA takeda at nii.ac.jp
    Professor, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  - YUZHONG Qu yzqu at nju.edu.cn
    Professor, Nanjing University, China

* Organization

** General Chair
- Riichiro Mizoguchi: Osaka University, Japan

** Program Chairs
- Hideaki Takeda: National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
- Yuzhong Qu: Nanjing University, China

** Special Track Chair:
- Tetsuro Toyoda: RIKEN, Japan

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