[agents] Call for participation: DEON 2012, Deontic Logic in Computer Science

Jan Broersen J.M.Broersen at uu.nl
Tue Jun 19 08:45:02 EDT 2012

                                DEON 2012
   11th International Conference on Deontic Logic in Computer Science
                             16-18 July 2012
                  University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

            Special theme: Deontic Logic and Social Choice


Invited speakers: Fabrizio Cariani, Davide Grossi, John Horty, Christian 

Program: http://infomedia.uib.no/deon2012/program.html

Registration: http://infomedia.uib.no/deon2012/registration.html

Deadline for registration: July 1st (later will be possible, but only
against a higher price)


The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary
cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical
study of normative concepts and normative systems with computer science,
artificial intelligence, philosophy, organization theory and law.

There have been nine previous DEON conferences: Amsterdam, December
1991; Oslo, January 1994; Sesimbra, January 1996; Bologna, January 1998;
Toulouse, January 2000; London, May 2002; Madeira, May 2004; Utrecht,
July 2006, Luxembourg, July 2008, Fiesole July 2010.

General Themes

- the logical study of normative reasoning, including formal systems of
   deontic logic, defeasible normative reasoning, logics of action,
   logics of time, and other related areas of logic
- the formal analysis of normative concepts and normative systems
- the formal specification of aspects of norm-governed multi-agent
   systems and autonomous agents, including (but not limited to) the
   representation of rights, authorization, delegation, power,
   responsibility and liability
- normative aspects of protocols for communication, negotiation and
   multi-agent decision making
- the formal representation of legal knowledge
- the formal specification of normative systems for the management of
   bureaucratic processes in public or private administration
- applications of normative logic to the specification of database
   integrity constraints

Special Theme: Deontic Logic and Social Choice

- Normative system selection and optimization
- Merging and aggregation of norms
- Compliance and enforcement strategies for norms
- Game theoretic aspects of deontic reasoning
- Norms, culture and and shared values
- Violation detection and norm creation mechanisms
- Simulation of dynamics in normative systems
- Emergence of norms
- Norm change


Thomas Ågotnes, University of Bergen
Jan Broersen, Utrecht University
Dag Elgesem, University of Bergen

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