[agents] CfP: ACM SAC 2013 - technical track on Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems and Applications (CMASA)

Matthew E. Taylor taylorm at lafayette.edu
Thu Jun 7 14:07:28 EDT 2012

28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2013)
Technical Track on
Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems and Applications (CMASA)
Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, 2013


The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been an important
venue for the past twenty-seven years, attracting applied computer
scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application
developers from around the world. SAC 2013
(http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2013/) is sponsored by the ACM
Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and will be held
at Coimbra, Portugal. For the first time, the ACM SAC will have a
track focusing on cooperative multi-agent systems and their
Cooperative multi-agent systems are groups of intelligent agents that
can perceive and act in a given environment to achieve their
individual and collective goals. Often, multi-agent systems (MAS) are
used to solve problems that are beyond the individual capacities and
knowledge of single agents. Such systems provide solutions in
situations where expertise is spatially and temporally distributed,
but typically do not suffer from resource limitations, performance
bottlenecks or the critical failures associated with centralized
problem solvers. Recently, due to the applicability of MAS to a wide
spectrum of application domains, multi-robot systems and mixed
human-robot teams have emerged as relevant instantiations of MAS,
increasing their potential and solving challenging problems in the
physical world.
The purpose of this technical track is to address methods for
representing, specifying, designing, programming, deploying, and
reasoning about cooperative MAS applied to real world problems, either
in realistic simulations or field experiments. The agents in such
systems may include virtual agents, mobile robots and/or humans. This
technical track is a forum for researchers and practitioners to meet
and share experiences, theoretical knowledge and discuss application
domains of MAS comprising either software agents or physically
embodied agents.

== Topics ==

- Coordination and cooperation
- Distributed and decentralized control
- Multi-agent systems (MAS)
- Multi-robot systems
- Mixed human-robotic teams
- Real world applications of MAS
- Simulation techniques, tools and environments
- Distributed constraint satisfaction
- MAS in mobile ad-hoc networks and sensor networks
- Emergent behaviors, self-organization and learning
- Scalability
- Robustness and fault-tolerance

== Important Dates ==

 Paper submission:             Sep. 21, 2012
 Acceptance notification:      Nov. 10, 2012
 Final paper submission:       Nov. 30, 2012
 Conference dates:             Mar. 18-22, 2013

== Submission Procedure ==

Original papers addressing the listed topics of interest will be
considered. Each submitted paper will be fully refereed and undergo a
blind review process by at least three referees. Paper size is limited
to 6 pages. A maximum of 2 additional pages may be included for an
additional fee. The reviews will be blind: authors' names and
affiliations must not appear in the paper and self-citations should be
in the third person. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM SAC
2013 proceedings. Graduate students are invited to submit research
abstracts (minimum of 2-page and maximum of 4-page) to the Student
Research Competition (SRC), following the instructions published at
SAC 2013 website.

Paper submission link:

== Track Chairs ==

 Rui P. Rocha,  University of Coimbra, Portugal
 Matthew E. Taylor, Lafayette College, USA

For further information on SAC 2013 CMASA track, please contact:
rprocha at isr.uc.pt or taylorm at lafayette.edu

Matthew E. Taylor   |  Lafayette College
Assistant Professor |  Computer Science

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