[agents] WI12/IAT12 Call for Tutorials

Xiaohui Tao xtao at usq.edu.au
Thu Apr 12 21:06:06 EDT 2012

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The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on 
Web Intelligence (WI'12) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'12)
December 4-7, 2012, Macau SAR, China
Conference Website: http://www.fst.umac.mo/wic2012

Sponsored By
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee 
on Intelligent Informatics (TCII), 
Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), and ACM-SIGART 

The WI-IAT 2012 joint conferences (WI-IAT'12) will co-locate with
AMT'12, BI'12, and ISMIS'12 as a Congress, a Special Event of the Alan
Turing Year (Centenary of Alan Turing's birth).  The Congress will
have a joint opening, keynotes, reception and banquet.

WI-IAT'12 will provide a leading international forum for researchers
and practitioners to present the state-of-the-art WI-IAT technologies;
examine performance characteristics of various approaches in WI and
IAT; and cross-fertilize ideas on the development of WI and IAT.

Important Dates

Tutorial proposal submission 		July 10, 2012
Notification of proposal acceptance 	August 1, 2012 

Detailed instructions for tutorial proposal

Proposal for tutorials, in PDF format, should consist of an outline and 
background information on the presenter(s). The tutorial outline should 
be limited to 2 pages and must contain the following information:

- Title and abstract of the tutorial (overall goal of the tutorial)
- Proposed duration: short (2 hours) or long (4 hours)
- Description of intended audience: to whom is the tutorial going to be 
  of interest (WI or IAT communities or both)
- Description of prerequisite knowledge: what background the attendees 
  should already have
- Outline: overview of the tutorial (including references to papers, 
  books, etc.)
- The background information on the presenter(s) should be limited to 
  2 pages and must contain:
    * Names, affiliations, homepages and contact details of 
      all the presenters
    * Short biographies, including main publications related 
      to the topic of the proposed tutorial
    * If it makes sense, information about previous tutorials 
      given by the same presenters (title, conference, 
      year number of attendees, etc.)
- Tutorial proposals should be sent to both tutorial chairs by e-mail.

Tutorial Co-Chairs

Tsuyoshi Murata, E-mail: murata at cs.titech.ac.jp 
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Hui Xiong, E-mail: hxiong at rutgers.edu
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA

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