[agents] Research Fellowship SECONOMICS, Aberdeen

Norman, Prof Timothy J. F. t.j.norman at abdn.ac.uk
Sat Mar 31 07:38:47 EDT 2012

Research Fellow on Seconomics project
University of Aberdeen - School of Natural & Computing Sciences

College of Physical Sciences

Position Type: Full-time

University Grade Structure: Grade 6

Salary From: £30,122

Salary To: £35,938

Job Summary: The European Commission's FP7 programme has recently awarded a new project, 'SECONOMICS', to the University of Aberdeen, in collaboration with National Grid and a range of European partners. The project is concerned with the relationship between security policy and system design and operation - for information, physical, and hybrid systems - considered from a socio-economic-technical perspective. The University of Aberdeen will take a leading role in developing conceptual and mathematical modelling of the policy-system relationship.

You should have good mathematical and conceptual reasoning skills and an informed interest in socio-economic aspects of systems security. This post will be associated with Professor David Pym and Dr Matthew Collinson (Co-Is) in the Department of Computing Science. You will also work with Dr Julian Williams (PI) in Aberdeen's Business School, and will interact strongly with project staff at National Grid and other partners.

You will be based in the Department of Computing Science, which has significant research groups with expertise in logic, security, systems modelling, and agent technologies.

Should you require a visa to undertake paid employment in the UK you will be required to fulfil the minimum points criteria to be granted a Certificate of Sponsorship and Tier 2 visa.  As appropriate, at the time an offer of appointment is made you will be asked to demonstrate that you fulfil the criteria in respect of financial maintenance and competency in English. Please do not hesitate to contact Kimberly Gibb, HR Adviser,k.gibb at abdn.ac.uk for further information on this.

The starting salary for this post will be £30,122 pro rata per annum. Consideration will be given to making an appointment at Research Assistant level in the first instance (salary range £25,251 - £28,401 pro rata) for individuals in the final stages of completing their PhD.

Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to Professor Pym or Dr Collinson, (Tel: 01224 27 ext. 2910 or 4184, e-mail: d.j.pym at abdn.ac.uk or matthew.collinson at abdn.ac.uk)

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 20th April 2012.

The University pursues a policy of equal opportunities in the appointment and promotion

Closing Date: 27/4/2012

Further information is available online at:


Professor Timothy J. Norman
Computing Science & RCUK dot.rural Research Hub
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. AB24 3UE
www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~tnorman & www.dotrural.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 272284

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

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