[agents] DALT 2012: celebrating 10th edition and ATY

Matteo Baldoni baldoni at di.unito.it
Mon Mar 12 17:41:57 EDT 2012

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple postings.]


!!!   Short position papers submission deadline:  30 March 2012 !!!

                   10th International Workshop on
             Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies
                              (DALT 2012)

                              4 June 2012

                            Valencia, Spain
                 (held in conjunction with AAMAS 2012)

            URL: http://www.di.unito.it/~baldoni/DALT-2012/


To celebrate its 10th edition and the Alan Turing year, DALT will open
to short position papers, to return to its grassroots: a workshop
where much discussion took place.
To encourage and focus these discussions, we solicit short position
papers which might
    i) present a new line of research;
    ii) criticize (the lack of) research on topic X;
    iii) present a problem; or
    iv) make a case for more research on a particular topic

Short position papers will be up to four pages in length, formatted
using the LNCS style, and will be subject to a light-weight review
process which will focus primarily on their ability to provoke new
research and discussion, rather than on their technical contribution.

Short position papers will be included the workshop proceedings distributed

This position papers track will facilitate new links between authors. The
authors of those position papers that will turn out to stimulate more
the discussion during the workshop will be invited to submit a full version
for the post-proceedings volume (at that stage, papers will be re-refereed).

                           TOPICS OF INTEREST

DALT topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

DALT 2012 special topic: declarative approaches for agent-based social
* models of social interactions among agents
* models of buiness interactions among agents
* models of trust, commitments, and reputation for agents
* declarative description of contracts and negotiation policies
* social environments based on declarative technologies
* Semantic Web-aware declarative agents

General themes:
* specification of agents and multi-agent systems
* declarative approaches to engineering agent-based systems

Formal techniques:
* (constraint) logic programming approaches to agent systems
* distributed constraint satisfaction
* modal and epistemic logics for agent modeling
* game theory and mechanism design for multi-agent systems
* semantics of agent communication
* model checking agents and multi-agent systems
* agent communication and coordination languages
* protocol specification, verification, and reasoning

Declarative models:
* declarative models of agent beliefs, goals and capabilities
* declarative models of bounded rationality
* declarative approaches for agent-based grid computing
* declarative paradigms for the combination of heterogeneous agents
* declarative approaches to organizations and electronic institutions
* agent-inspired declarative approaches to Web services and
service-oriented computing

Applications of declarative techniques to:
* multi-agent systems for service-oriented computing
* agent-based grid computing
* security and trust in multi-agent systems
* e-health, e-commerce, e-learning, sociotechnical systems, social
networks, virtual organizations.

Evaluation of declarative approaches:
* experimental analysis of declarative agent technologies
* industrial experiences with declarative agent technologies

Please refer to the workshop site, 
for more details.


Short position papers should be up to 4 pages long, formatted according
to the LNCS style.

Deadline:    March, 30th
Notification:    April, 6th
Camera ready:    April, 10th

Papers should be submitted via the easychair site,

                          WORKSHOP ORGANISERS

Matteo Baldoni (University of Torino, Italy)
Louise Dennis (University of Liverpool, UK)
Viviana Mascardi (University of Genova, Italy)
Wamberto Vasconcelos (University of Aberdeen, UK)

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