[agents] CFP: 3rd Workshop on Trustworthy Self-Organizing Systems (TSOS 2012) @ PST 2012, Deadline April 23, 2012

Jan-Philipp Steghöfer steghoefer at informatik.uni-augsburg.de
Wed Feb 8 06:30:46 EST 2012

                         TSOS 2012
      3rd Workshop on Trustworthy Self-Organizing Systems
                   July 16, 2011; Paris

                  Affiliated to PST 2012
                Tenth Annual Conference on
               Privacy, Security and Trust

            Submission Deadline: April 23, 2012

Call for Papers
The nature of self-organising systems demands that issues of trust and
its different facets become a primary concern. Many interacting adaptive
entities, emergent behavior, and a highly dynamic and open environment
prompt the designer of such a system to consider trust in every aspect
of the engineering process. Not only will a thorough consideration of
trust yield a more robust and more secure system, but the incorporation
of trust can also lead to gains with regard to performance and ease of
use. In domains in which systems have to be certified, the formal
treatment of trust and its facets in self-organizing systems is a necessity.

The issues of trust and reputation in multi-agent systems have received
a lot of attention. Also, formal methods to guarantee functional
correctness, safety, and security as well as techniques to ensure
reliability in distributed, self-organizing systems have been
investigated by diverse research groups from different communities.
Furthermore, the role of humans as the users of self-organizing and
self-adaptive systems and the usability of such systems has been subject
of research. These different facets of the same problem have so far been
considered only separately and many have regarded security, safety, etc.
as complementary to trust.

However, the overall trustworthiness of a self-organizing system is
connected to all the aforementioned properties and should be regarded
holistically. The facets of trust qualify the relationships between the
components of the system and between the user and the system. Functional
correctness, security, safety, and reliability are facets that have to
be ensured for the system's components as well as for the system as a
whole. The classical notions of trust and reputation in MAS also apply
to this relationship between system components. The relationship between
the system and the user is influenced by the transparency and
consistency of the system towards the user and most importantly by its
usability, i.e., the way the user is informed about self-organising
processes and allowed to interact with the system.

The workshop will provide an open stage for discussions about the
different facets of trust in self-organizing systems, how every single
one of them can be fostered, and how they relate. Further examples for
topics of interest are:

 * Trust management systems for self-organising systems
 * Metrics of trust and specialised metrics for single trust facets
 * Policies and their influence on trustworthiness
 * Formal methods to analyze, prove, or measure aspects of trust
 * Trust and reputation in hierarchical multi-agent systems and systems
   of systems
 * Engineering of trustworthy self-organising systems
 * Evaluations of the effects of trust in self-organizing systems
 * Adaptive user interfaces
 * Visualization, transparency and controllability of self-organisation
 * Measuring and evaluating user trust in self-organising systems
 * Using trust to deal with uncertainty
 * Trust and game theory
 * Explaining and clarifying trust decisions - when and how

Aim of the Workshop
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers of different
communities like Multi-Agent Systems, Autonomic Computing, Organic
Computing, Trust Management, Security, and Distributed Systems to
discuss – based on high quality research papers and position papers –
the different aspects of trust in self-adaptive and self-organizing
systems and to create a sense of the overarching concepts and problems
that are associated with a holistic view on trustworthy self-organising
systems. The workshop is an opportunity to promote this view and to
engage in discussions about the interconnectedness of the different
facets and their interplay in self-organising systems.

The workshop is aimed at researchers that have been investigating trust
management or one of the trust aspects (functional correctness, safety,
security, reliability, credibility, usability) in self-organising
systems or that have been looking into trust and its different shapes.
We explicitly encourage participation of researchers from different
communities within computer science. The workshop will be set in an
informal and cooperative atmosphere with ample time allotted to discussions.

Important Dates
 * Paper submission: April 23, 2012
 * Acceptance Notification: May 14, 2012
 * Camera-ready version: May 21, 2012
 * Workshop: July 16, 2012

Paper Submission
The workshop organizers solicit both original research papers as well as
position papers on the topics outlined in the Call for Papers. Each
paper will be reviewed in a double-blind process. The decision will be
based on the motivation of the research, the clarity of the claims of
the contribution, the relevance of the research to the domain of
self-organizing systems, its evaluation, and the thoroughness of the
related work comparison. Submitted papers must not have been previously
published or submitted elsewhere.

The proceedings of the workshop will be published as a bundle with the
main conference proceedings, presumably by IEEE Computer Society Press
and made available as a part of the IEEE digital library.

Submissions should not exceed 6 pages and formatted according to the
IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide and submitted
electronically in PDF format. Please submit your papers using the
conference management system that will be linked on the website well in
advance of the submission deadline. One of the authors has to register
for the conference and workshop.

Workshop Organization
Wolfgang Reif
Augsburg University, Germany
Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
reif at informatik.uni-augsburg.de

Christian Müller-Schloer
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Institute for Systems Engineering
cms at sra.uni-hannover.de

Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
Augsburg University, Germany
Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
Universitätsstr. 6a
D-86159 Augsburg
steghoefer at informatik.uni-augsburg.de
+49 (0) 821 598-2177
(Please contact for all enquiries.)

Workshop Advisors

Audun Jøsang
University of Oslo, Norway
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Steve Marsh
Communications Research Centre Canada

Program Committee

 * Elisabeth André, Augsburg University
 * Radu Calinescu, Oxford University
 * Frank Dignum, Utrecht University
 * Christian Damsgaard Jensen, Technical University of Denmark
 * Rino Falcone, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
 * Jörg Hähner, Leibniz University Hannover
 * Tom Holvoet, Katholike Universiteit Leuven
 * Aad van Moorsel, Newcastle University
 * Martin Purvis, Otago University
 * Onn Shehory, IBM Research Labs Haifa
 * Graeme Smith, Queensland University Brisbane
 * Theo Ungerer, Augsburg University

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