[agents] ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award 2012

Wooldridge, Michael mjw at liverpool.ac.uk
Wed Jan 4 05:21:23 EST 2012

** ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award 2012 **

The selection committee for the ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research
Award is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2012 award will
be Professor Moshe Tennenholtz (Technion/Microsoft Research
Israel). Professor Tennenholtz is honoured for his substantial and
sustained contributions to the foundations of multi-agent systems. His
contributions range from the first formal studies of social laws for
multi-agent systems, through contributions to the computational theory
of auctions, multi-agent learning, computational social choice theory,
reputation and ranking systems, and the notion of program
equilibrium. In addition, Prof Tennenholtz has a substantial track
record of outstanding community service, including serving as an
editor-in-chief of JAIR: the Journal of AI Research.

The ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award is presented annually
for research excellence in the area of autonomous agents. It is
intended to recognize researchers whose current work is an important
influence on the field. The award is an official ACM award, funded by
an endowment created by ACM SIGART from the proceeds of Autonomous
Agents conferences.  Previous recipients of the ACM/SIGART Autonomous
Agents Research Award were: Joe Halpern (2011), Jonathan Gratch and
Stacy Marsella (2010), Manuela Veloso (2009), Yoav Shoham (2008),
Sarit Kraus (2007), Michael Wooldridge (2006), Milind Tambe (2005),
Makoto Yokoo (2004), Nicholas R. Jennings (2003), Katia Sycara (2002),
and Tuomas Sandholm (2001). For more information on the award, see:

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