[agents] CFP for SEPA, SQ and TTSDP

smisra at atilim.edu.tr smisra at atilim.edu.tr
Fri Dec 9 15:15:56 EST 2011

CFP for three International Workshops in area of Software Engineering @
ICCSA 2012


1.	Call For Theme papers in all area of Software Engineering process &
their applications

4th International Workshop on Software Engineering Processes and
Applications (SEPA: 2012)

(http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=19295 )

(The accepted papers will be published in Lecturer Notes in Computer
Science by Springer)

2.	Call for theme paper in Quality related issues in Software  process,
development, deployment and in all area of software engineering

3rd  International Workshop on Software Quality (SQ: 2012)


(The accepted papers will be published in Lecturer Notes in Computer
Science by Springer)

3.	Call for Session papers/Short papers/ Reviews & Comment
papers/Experience report/working papers

4th International Workshop on “Tools and Techniques in Software
Development Process(TTSDP 2012)”


Accepted papers will be published by IEEE CS press

Submission deadline for all workshops:  January 15, 2012

1.	4th International Workshop on Software Engineering Processes and
Applications (SEPA: 2011) in conjunction with ICCSA 2012

Following the grand success of SEPA 2011(in Santander, Spain), SEPA 2010
(in Fukuoka, Japan), SEPA 2009 (in Sowon, Korea (2009)), SEPA 2011, (all
in conjunction with ICCSA 2010) is scheduled to be held, during will be
held on June 18-21, 2012, in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.

About The Workshop and Topics

Software Engineering Processes and Applications (SEPA: 2012) is aimed to
provide a forum to scientist/researchers/engineers/practitioners and
academician to share their ideas, experiences and researches in the field
of software engineering process and applications. SEPA 2012 covers all the
frontier issues and trends in the modern software development processes. 
It includes process models, agile development, software engineering
practices, requirements, system and design engineering including
architectural design, component level design, formal methods,   software
modeling, testing strategies and tactics, process and product metrics, Web
Engineering, project management, risk management, and configuration

SEPA invites you to submit theme papers that describe original and
significant contribution in all above-mentioned area of software
engineering processes. The paper submitted to SEPA’2012 must not be
submitted elsewhere either in conference or journal and should be 12-16
pages (LNCS style). Papers selected after peer review will be included in
the conference proceedings and presented orally at the conference.

2.	Third International Workshop on Software Quality (SQ: 2012) in
conjunction with ICCSA 2012

Following the grand success of SQ  2011 in conjuction with ICCSA 2011( In
santander Spain) , SQ  2009 in ISCIS 2009 ( in Middle East Technical
University North Cyprus Campus, Cyprus,) the Third  International 
Workshop on “Software Quality SQ” (SQ 2012) will be held  in conjunction
with The 2012 International Conference on Computational Science and
Applications (ICCSA 2012) during June 18-21, 2012, in Salvador de Bahia,

About The Workshop and Topics

This workshop extends discussion of software quality issues in the modern
software development processes.  It covers all the aspects of process and
product quality, quality assurance and standards, quality planning,
quality control and software quality challenges. It also covers the
frontier issues and trends for achieving the quality objectives. It
includes quality management process, role of software metrics, predictor
metrics and control metrics, role of measurement in accessing the quality
and limitations.

Topics include (related to quality issues) but not limited to:

1.	Software development fundamentals,
2.	Extreme Programming (XP), Agile, Scrum,
3.	Software requirements techniques,
4.	Software testing & QA fundamentals,
5.	Software testing models and approaches,
6.	Software testing tools and frameworks,
7.	Software test design,
8.	Types of software maintenance,
9.	Software maintenance process models,
10.	Software maintenance standards,
11.	 Software maintenance tools
12.	Software Reviews (SR)
13.	Software Metrics (SM)
14.	Software Process Assessment (SPA)
15.	Software Process Improvement (SPI)
16.	Software Standardization and Certification

SQ: 2012 invites you to submit your work that describes original and
significant contribution in all above mentioned area of software
engineering processes. The paper submitted to SQ’2012 must not be
submitted elsewhere either in conference or journal. Papers selected after
peer review will be included in the conference proceedings and presented
orally at the conference.

3.	4th International Workshop on “Tools and Techniques in Software
Development Process”

Accepted papers will be published by IEEE CS press

4th International Workshop on “Tools and Techniques in Software
Development Processes (TTSDP 2012)” will be held in conjunction with The
2012 International Conference on Computational Sciences and Applications
(ICCSA 2012). It is going to be held during June 18-21, 2012, in Salvador
de Bahia, Brazil.


About The Workshop and Topics
This workshop covers the frontier issues and trends in the modern software
development processes. It covers all the aspects of process models, agile
development, software engineering practices, requirements, system and
design engineering including architectural design, software modeling,
testing strategies and tactics, process and product metrics for each phase
of software development, component based software engineering, software
quality, verification and validation techniques and software project
TTSDP 2012 invites you to submit three different types of Session Papers
(5 to 11 pages long) on all above-mentioned topics:
Research papers: Papers that describes original and significant
contribution in all area of software development process.
Experience paper: papers from the field describing real-world experience 
related to software development process.
Short paper and reports:  Papers that  allows the exploration of ideas
that are not yet fully validated. Review articles (not on a particular
paper), comparative study and survey reports are also welcome.
The paper submitted to TTSDP 2012 must not submit elsewhere either in
conference or journal and should be in IEEE style. Papers selected after
review will be included in the conference proceedings and presented orally
at the conference.


October 1, 2011 – January 15, 2012: Abstract and Full Paper submission
January 16, 2012 – February 28, 2012: Reviewing of submitted Papers
March 7, 2012: Notification of Acceptance and
Early-bird Registration starts
April 4, 2012: Early-bird Registration ends.
April 4, 2012: Submission deadline for the final version of the Papers
June 18-21, 2012: SEPA, SQ & TTSDP 2012  in Brazile

Please submit your paper through ICCSA 2012 conference web-site.

Submission Site:  http://ess.iccsa.org/

While, submitting to conference site, please select the track of your
submission i.e  SQ or SEPA or TTSDP ”.

 Organizing Chair

Prof. Sanjay Misra
Professor of Computer Engineering
Chairman, Department of Cyber Security
Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
Contact: smisra at futminna.edu.ng, ssopam at gmail.com

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