[agents] Subject: CFP: Special issue of IEEE Internet Computing on "Future Internet Protocols" (keyword: Berlin)

Charles Petrie petrie at stanford.edu
Tue Nov 8 13:02:02 EST 2011

Please also consider:

Future Internet Protocols

Draft descriptions due: 15 Feb 2012
Final submissions due: 1 March 2012
Publication date: November/December 2012

Please email the guest editors a brief description of
the article you plan to submit by 15 Feb 2012:
Charles Petrie <petrie at stanford.edu> 
Oliver Spatscheck <spatsch at research.att.com>
(Please use the subject line of this message 
with its mysterious keyword.)

The Internet is based upon a set of layered protocols, their servers,
and architectures that support them. The Internet has now evolved 
far beyond the original TCP/IP protocol and architecture (see
Peering column by Oliver.) Application protocols have similarly
evolved as evidenced by HTML.5.   Future applications and basic
usage will require significant changes, however, a clean slate
approach is not likely to be adopted making a feasible migration path
a must for any new proposal. 

This issue explores the current and near-future evolution of the
Internet in terms of its supporting protocols and policies.  Topics
include new Internet and application protocols, and application
requirements.  Examples of topics include:

. High-latency tolerant TCP (also for mobile environments)
. TCP replacement protocols
. Beyond HTML 5.0
. Virtualization of Networks
. Requirements for app management
. Smart Routers
. Policies and protocols for cloud computing and enterprise management
. New technologies for policy and protocol enforcement
. New protocol support requirements for likely future applications

Submissions should report results, with strong technical content, that
make novel contributions to Internet engineering or science and show
an evaluation of the results.  Proposals for new systems must at least
be prototyped and evaluated, and be so promising that the relatively
early work warrants publication.  Speculative proposals will be
rejected by the editors and not be reviewed. (Controversial speculation
should be submitted to one of our columns, such as "Peering".)

For questions, please contact the guest editors of this
special issue.

All submissions must be original manuscripts of fewer than 5,000
words, focused on Internet technologies and implementations. Longer
submissions will be rejected and not reviewed.

All manuscripts, even if invited, are subject to peer review on both
technical merit and relevance to s readershipIC internationalprimarily
system and software design engineers. We do not accept white papers,
and we discourage strictly theoretical or mathematical papers. To
submit a manuscript, please log on to ScholarOne
(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com:443/ic-cs) to create or access an
account, which you can use to log on to IC's Author Center and upload
your submission.


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