[agents] CfParticipation: AGERE! @ SPLASH 2011

Rafael H Bordini r.bordini at acm.org
Wed Oct 19 07:47:07 EDT 2011


The fundamental turn of software into concurrency and distribution is 
not only a matter of performance, but also of design and abstraction, 
calling for programming paradigms that would allow more naturally than 
the current ones to think, design, develop, execute, debug and profile 
programs exhibiting different degrees of concurrency, reactiveness, 
autonomy, decentralization of control, distribution. This workshop aims 
at exploring programming approaches explicitly providing a level of 
abstraction based on agents and actors (and systems of agents and 
actors). The objective of the workshop is then to foster the research in 
all aspects of agent-oriented programming and actor-oriented programming 
as evolution of mainstream paradigms (such as OOP), including the theory 
and the practice of design and programming, bringing together 
researchers working on the models, languages and technologies, and 
practitioners developing real-world systems and applications.

Portland, Oregon, USA, 24 October 2011
During the workshop days of SPLASH

The programme is available on the workshop website:

You can follow the pre-workshop discussion on the AGERE! @ SPLASH forum:

Programme highlights:

- An invited talk:
  "Everything You Know (About Parallel Programming) is Wrong!: A Wild 
Screed About the Future"
  David Ungar (IBM Research, US)
  joint invited talk with the DLS symposium 

- An introductory talk:
  "Actors and Agents as Programming Paradigms - An Overview"
  Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
  Alessandro Ricci (University of Bologna, Italy)

- Panel
  "Actors and Agents as Programming Paradigms - Next"
  Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
  Mark Miller (Google, US)
  Alessandro Ricci (University of Bologna, Italy)
  Wolfgang De Meuter (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

Accepted papers:

* Behavioral Programming, Decentralized Control, and Multiple Time Scales
  David Harel, Assaf Marron, Guy Wiener and Gera Weiss - Weizmann 
Institute of Science, Ben Gurion University
* AF-Raf: An Agent-Oriented Programming Language with Algebraic Data Types
  Claudia Grigore and Rem Collier - University College Dublin
* Cloudscape: Language Support to Coordinate and Control Distributed 
Applications in the Cloud
  Andi Bejleri, Andrew Farrell and Patrick Goldsack - Imperial College 
London, HP Labs, Bristol
* An Agent Framework for Agent Societies
  Kyle Usbeck and Jacob Beal - BBN Technologies
* Higher-Order Contracts for Actor Based Languages
  Christophe Scholliers, Wolfgang De Meuter and Eric Tanter - Vrije 
Universiteit Brussel, PLEIAD Laboratory
* A Feature Model of Actor, Agent, and Object Programming Languages
  Howell Jordan, Goetz Botterweck, Marc-Philippe Huget and Rem Collier - 
Lero, University College Dublin, Lero, University of Limerick, 
University of Savoie, UCD
* Designing a General-Purpose Programming Language based on 
Agent-Oriented Abstractions: The simpAL Project
  Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Sant
* No More Design Patterns for Multi-Agent Systems
  Mario Henrique Cruz Torres, Tony Van Beers, Tom Holvoet
* Potential of Agent Technology in the domain of Health Information Systems
  Aldo Franco Dragoni
* Integrating Jason in a Multi-Agent Platform with support for 
Interaction Protocols
  Bexy Alfonso, Emilio Vivancos, Vicent Botti and Ana García-Fornes

Accepted demos:

* AmbientTalk: Modern Actors for Modern Networks
  Tom Van Cutsem - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
* Exploiting Intelligent Agent-Based Technologies for Programming Smart 
Mobile Applications
  Andrea Santi and Alessandro Ricci - University of Bologna
* The GMF-based Syntax Tool of a DSML for the Semantic Web enabled 
Multi-Agent Systems
  Sinem Getir, Sebla Demirkol, Moharram Challenger and Geylani Kardas - 
Ege University International Computer Institute, Turkey
* Exploiting the JaCaMo Framework for Realising an Adaptive Room 
Governance Application
  Alexandru Sorici, Olivier Boissier, Gauthier Picard and Andrea Santi

The full schedule is available here:

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