[agents] CFP : MASmart2011

Takayuki Ito takayuki at mit.edu
Sun Jul 17 10:18:57 EDT 2011

The International Workshop on Multi-agent Smart computing (MASmart2011)
@PRIMA 2011
Wollongong, Australia 14 - 15 November 2011
Important dates:
* Paper submission: 12 August
* Acceptance notification: 16 September
* Early registration deadline: 27 September
* Camera-ready papers due: 30 September
* Registration deadline: 1 November
* Workshop date: 14 or 15 November
* PRIMA conference: 16-18 November

Workshop Goals:
MASmart2011 is the international workshop on advances in theory, systems, and applications for smart software. Multi-agent Smart computing is a new interdisciplinary field that aims to apply techniques from multi-agent systems and related disciplines (for example, smart grid, green computing, life innovation, smart elderly care systems, etc.) to the balancing of environmental, economic, and societal needs, in order to support sustainable development and a sustainable future. Research in multi-agent smart computing is inherently interdisciplinary: It brings together multi-agent computational fields and a variety of fields with a long tradition in the study of smart city problems, such as environmental sciences, biology, economics, and sociology. Multi-agent systems, in particular, can play a key role in addressing challenges in smart computing. 

We encourage participants to submit a paper (15 pages max), describing their work on one or more of the topics mentioned above. Please use the LNCS format for formatting your paper.

We solicit papers on all aspects of such smart systems and applications in the field of Multi-Agent Systems and Web Intelligence, including but not limited to:

- Power-aware Systems and Applications
- Distributed Coordination of Resources
- Systems, Applications and Services for Accessibility and Personal Autonomy
- Use of Sensors for Environmental Monitoring
- Urban Computing for Sustainability
- Green Computing
- Sustainable computing
- Next-generation transportation systems
- Next-generation logistics 
- Smart Grids
- Energy supply 
- Demand control 
- City design
- Smart Home, Smart City, and Smart Planet
- Consensus and Negotiation by Civilians 
- Collective Intelligence for Green Computing
- Web based Support Systems

Submission procedure:
PRIMA-2011 workshops will be published in a joint volume in the LNAI series,
Springer. Papers should thus be in Springer LNCS format and no more than 15 pages in
length. They should be submitted as a PDF file and must include the author's name(s),
affiliation, complete mailing address and email address.
MASmart2011 submissions will be reviewed by 3 members.

Submissions must be done through the Easychair system:
The deadline for receipt of submissions is August, 12, 2011. 
Papers received after this date will not be reviewed.

Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Tokuro Matsuo, Yamagata University
Minjie Zhang, Wolongong University
Valentin Robu, Southampton University
Shaheen Fatima, Loughborough University
Shohei Kato, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Akira Iwata, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Naoki Fukuta, Shizuoka University
Ivan Marsa-Maestre, University of Alcala
Miguel A. Lopez-Carmona, University of Alcala
and the others (TBD).

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