[agents] CfP: 1St AWARENESS Workshop on Challenges in Achieving Self-Awareness in Autonomous Systems
Giacomo Cabri
cabri.giacomo at unimore.it
Tue May 17 05:00:24 EDT 2011
1St AWARENESS Workshop on Challenges in Achieving Self-Awareness in
Autonomous Systems
To be held at:
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing
Systems (SASO 2011) Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA – 7th October 2011
As technology continues to rapidly advance, the management of systems
becomes increasingly more difficult: systems are likely to be composed
of heterogeneous devices, the topology of the system can dynamically
change to device mobility; components of the system are probably
programmed with different models, and emergent behaviours can occur, not
pre-programmed into the system. On top of this, users of systems expect
24/7 reliability, high levels of security, and privacy of their data.
The scale of the challenge imposed by the necessity to manage these
systems is such that control can no longer be devolved to a human.
Systems must be able to manage themselves – this implies that they must
therefore be self-aware. However, enabling self- awareness in a system
raises many challenges, which will require a multi- disciplinary
approach to overcome them.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers from a range of
disciplines to articulate the main challenges and propose methods of
addressing them. The workshop solicits both conceptual papers which
outline challenges and suggest novel approaches to addressing them, and
technical papers describing results or methodologies. Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to):
• Methods for enabling adaptation across multiple timescales
• Approaches to balancing tradeoffs between global and local concerns of
the system
• Consideration of how systems can predict future events and adapt
• Methods which enable performance be optimised across the system
• Techniques for enabling resource usage (i.e energy, bandwidth) to be
• Consideration of novel architectures for creating systems composed of
heterogeneous nodes which may be programmed in different ways
• New methods software engineering and abstraction for coping with
diverse systems
Organised by the AWARE project www.aware-project.eu
Key Dates
Paper submission: July 4th 2011
Acceptance: July 25th 2011
Camera Ready: August 25th 2011
Workshop: October 7th 2011
SASO Conference: October 3-7th
Organising Committee
Emma Hart, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Martijn Schut,Vrieje Universiteit AMsterdam, Netherlands
Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College London, UK
Giacomo Cabri, University di Modena and REggio Emilia, Italy
Submission Details
Paper Length: Papers are limited to 6 pages.
Paper Format: All papers should be formatted using the two-column IEEE
Computer Society Conference Formatting Instructions.
Plagiarism: Authors are kindly reminded of the IEEE policy on
publications and the five levels of plagiarism defined by the IEEE.
These rules will be strictly enforced. In particular, self-plagiarized
papers will be rejected without further ado.
Electronic Submissions: All papers should be submitted electronically in
PDF format through the EasyChair submission system using this link
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aware2011. If you don’t have
an EasyChair account, please register here http://www.easychair.org
| Prof. Giacomo Cabri - Ph.D., Associate Professor
| Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
| Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Italia
| e-mail giacomo.cabri at unimore.it
| tel. +39-059-2056190 fax +39-059-2056129
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