[agents] Call for contributions to chapter on argumentation

Oren, N. n.oren at abdn.ac.uk
Thu May 12 12:21:28 EDT 2011

(apologies for cross posting)

Dear Colleague

This is a reminder that the deadline for contributions to the COST action chapter on
argumentation and its added value, is fast approaching (15 May). The original call is
repeated below, and the template for contributions is attached. We look forward to
receiving your contributions.

All the best
Sanjay and Francesca

From: wg4-bounces at agreement-technologies.eu [wg4-bounces at agreement-technologies.eu] On Behalf Of Toni, Francesca [f.toni at imperial.ac.uk]
Sent: 08 April 2011 22:42
To: wg4 at agreement-technologies.eu
Subject: [wg4] Call for contributions to chapter on argumentation

Dear Colleague

A key output of the COST action on agreement technologies
(http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/) will be a book containing chapters for each of the COST action areas. As co-chairs of the Argumentation and Negotiation working group (http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/wg4), our
intention is to have a chapter in which we address what we believe to be a key issue for the argumentation community:

“What is the added value of argumentation and what challenges need to be addressed to realise this value ?”

Our aim is to put together a chapter that can serve as a reference for researchers wishing to understand the value that argumentation can
provide, in comparison with other competing approaches, together with bench-mark practical examples that illustrate the added value and any ensuing research challenges.

We invite members of the community to submit contributions addressing this question in the following areas (covered by the COST action):

1.      Argumentation and Semantics (http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/wg1)
2.      Argumentation and Norms (http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/wg2)
3.      Argumentation and Organisations (http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/wg3)
4.      Argumentation and Negotiation (http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/wg4)
5.      Argumentation and Trust (http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/wg5)

as well as in any other areas that a contributor identifies as being one in which argumentation can bring added value (e.g., decision making, medicine, law, recommender systems, etc)

Attached to this email is a LaTex file in which we invite you, for one or more areas, to contribute your views as to the added value of argumentation, and illustrate with examples (i.e., scenarios describing practical systems that use argumentation theory and technology) and the challenges raised by the examples (the file provides a placeholder for you to add the area you wish to cover).

Contributions will be peer reviewed, and those that are suitable will be incorporated into the chapter. Contributors will be listed as contributing authors of the chapter.

Please send your contributions by 15 May to sanjaymodgil at kcl.ac.uk
and ft at imperial.ac.uk. The maximum length of contributions should be 5 pages, in the given LaTex format. Notifications and reviews will be circulated by mid/late June. We expect to have a full draft of the chapter by November. The action plan is to have the book published sometimes in October 2012.

We hope you will take some time out to participate in this community activity.

All the best
Sanjay and Francesca

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
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