[agents] EASSS 2011 Student Grants

Didac Busquets didac.busquets at udg.edu
Fri Apr 8 14:35:23 EDT 2011

( Apologies for cross posting )


         *  EASSS 2011 STUDENT GRANTS *

     13th European Agent Systems Summer School
     Girona, Catalonia, Spain ----  11-15 July 2011


We are glad to announce several student grant programs
to attend EASSS 2011, offered by the following institutions:

- IFAAMAS: grants for students coming from countries where
the AAMAS community is under-represented.

- EURAMAS: grants for students from European institutions.

- CNRS (GDRI AlgoDec): grants for students mainly coming from
French institutions (these grants are available pending the
effective release of the funds).

Check the details at 

Grant request deadline: May 24, 2011


EASSS 2011 orgnization
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