[agents] CLIMA XII @ IJCAI: Deadline Reminder - Abstracts due Monday 4th April

Joao Leite jleite at di.fct.unl.pt
Sun Apr 3 09:59:13 EDT 2011

[apologies for cross-posting - please distribute]


                    Deadline Reminder

       Submission deadline (strict): April 4/8th.

                       CLIMA XII
            12th International Workshop on
      Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems

with special sessions on:
        * Norms and Normative Multi-Agent Systems.
        * Logics for Games and Social Choice.


         Barcelona, Spain, July 17-18, 2011.

               Affiliated with IJCAI'11.

Proceedings: LNCS/LNAI volume (available at the workshop).

JLC Special Issue: Selected extended papers will be published in a
Special Issue of the Journal of Logic and Computation.

Please send all enquiries about CLIMA XII to clima2011 at easychair.org.

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