[agents] Final CFP: Logics for Games and Social Choice: CLIMA XII special session
Thomas Ågotnes
Thomas.Agotnes at infomedia.uib.no
Fri Apr 1 08:19:07 EDT 2011
Special session on
**Logics for Games and Social Choice**
12th International Workshop on
Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems
Barcelona, Spain, July 17-18, 2011.
Affiliated with IJCAI'11.
Submission deadline: April 4/8th.
Final Call for Papers
Proceedings: LNCS/LNAI volume (available at the workshop).
JLC Special Issue: Selected extended papers will be published in a
Special Issue of the Journal of Logic and Computation.
Logic and game theory form two theoretical underpinnings of
multi-agent systems. On one hand, formal logic is a foundation for
knowledge representation and reasoning, and opens the door to
techniques for formal specification and automated verification. On the
other hand, the interaction of rational decision makers has been
studied in game theory for a long time. However, traditional game
theory is not concerned with formal languages or reasoning systems,
nor with computational issues, and until relatively recently formal
logic has not been concerned with game theoretic issues. For reasoning
about interesting properties of many, if not most, multi-agent
systems, we need game theoretic concepts such as strategies,
preferences, etc. In particular, many multi-agent systems can be seen
as implementing social choice mechanisms.
We invite papers on logical formalisation of concepts related to games
and social choice, including but not limited to the following topics:
- Logics for strategic reasoning
- Logics for coalitional ability
- Preference representation
- Logical approaches to bounded rationality and limited cognition
- Formal verification of games
- Logic for mechanism design
- Logical aspects of computational social choice
- Judgment aggregation
- Logical foundations of games and social choice
- Epistemic logic
We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original
papers, which have not been accepted for publication nor are currently
under review for another journal or conference.
Papers are submitted to the special session by following the
submission instructions for CLIMA:
The special session on Logics for Games and Social Choice is chosen
under "category" in Easychair.
LNCS Proceedings: All the accepted papers (including special session
papers) will be published by Springer as a volume in Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, and will be available in time for the workshop.
JLC Special Issue: After the workshop, authors of selected papers will
be invited to extend and re-submit their work to be considered for
in a CLIMA Special Issue of the Journal of Logic and Computation.
Important dates:
* Submission: April 4th (Abstracts) / April 8th (Papers)
* Notification: May 4th
* Camera Ready: May 16th
Special Session Organiser:
* Thomas Ågotnes, University of Bergen, Norway
In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
thomas.agotnes at infomedia.uib.no (enquiries particularly related to the
special session) or clima2011 at easychair.org (general CLIMA
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