[agents] EXTENDED DEADLINE!!! IEEE ITSC - Special Session on Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation

Giuseppe Vizzari giuseppe.vizzari at disco.unimib.it
Mon Mar 21 06:50:38 EDT 2011

Apologies for multiple postings of this message. Please, forward this
CFP to potentially interested people. Thanks!

Special Session on
Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation:
Architectural and Modelling Issues

To be held at the
14th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
05 – 07 Oct, 2011, Washington, DC, USA

         *** NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE: APRIL 10, 2011 ***

Aim and Scope
The aim of the ATSS series of Workshops and Special Sessions at IEEE
ITS Conferences is to foster the discussion on issues concerning the
development of Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation as a
means to devise, test and validate ITS-based technologies. With the
ability to integrate different transportation models and solutions in
a virtual environment, ATSS serve as an aid to support decisions made
by engineers and practitioners in a controlled and safe manner. They
also provide a natural ground where new approaches can be experimented
while avoiding the natural drawbacks of dealing directly with real
critical domains, such as ITS. On the basis of theories and
methodologies borrowed from a wide spectrum of disciplines, such as
the Social Sciences, Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence
and Multi-agent Systems, Virtual Reality and many others, many
important issues arise which challenge and motivate many researchers
and practitioners from multidisciplinary fields, as well as different
technical and scientific communities.

This year’s edition of the ATSS Special Session welcomes contributions
reporting on “Architectural and Modelling Issues in ATSS,” regarding
one of the topics below:

* Agent-based modelling and simulation;
* Real agent architectures;
* Hardware and software-in-the-loop simulation;
* Agent-human interactions;
* Environment modelling and interaction protocols;
* Learning and adaptation;
* Collaboration, cooperation, competition, coalitions in traffic and
transportation models;
* Social and emergent behaviour in MAS-T (multi-agent systems applied
to traffic and transport);
* Behavioural Modelling and Activity-based Models;
* Large scale simulation of agent-based microscopic traffic models;
* Calibration and validation of agent-based models for traffic and
* Data Mining and New Sources;
* Environmental Modeling for ITS Deployment;
* Geographic Information Systems in ATSS.

Submission and Publication
If you are willing to submit a contribution to this Special Session,
please send the planned title of your paper by e-mail to
(rossetti at fe.up.pt) at your earliest convenience.

Authors must follow the guidelines of the IEEE ITS Conference while
preparing their manuscripts. Submissions must be made through the
Papercept System, accessible via the Conference Web site
(http://www.seas.gwu.edu/itsc2011/). While submitting your
contribution, please follow the “Special Session Paper” type of

  *** The Session identification code is "2nkwp" ***

Papers will go through the same rigorous reviewing process as normal
conference papers and, if accepted, will be included in the conference
proceedings and indexed accordingly.

Important Dates
Full-paper submission deadline: April 10, 2011 *NEW!*
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2011  *NEW!*
Final paper submission deadline: July 15, 2011  *NEW!*

Inquiries and Further Information
Please, send your inquiries by e-mail to Dr Rosaldo Rossetti (rossetti at fe.up.pt)

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