[agents] Student activities at ISCL-DALT Spring Schools next April in Bertinoro, Italy

Paolo Torroni paolo.torroni at unibo.it
Fri Mar 4 08:42:23 EST 2011

Dear colleague,

the DALT School on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, and the 
ALP/GULP School on Computational Logic (ISCL) are going to organize very 
interesting *student activities*. These will be open to all participants.

Let me remind you that the *EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE* is *NEXT WEEK. 
There are still some rooms available.
*Registrations made by *March 10 (next Thursday)* will cost *700 euro* 
for stay in double room, 775 euro for single room.
The registration is *all-inclusive* (it even covers the shuttle bus 
to/from the airport or train station). Check all details on the school 
Web sites:

*DALT School*: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/confs/dalt_school/
*ISCL*: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/confs/iscl/


The idea of the "Student Session" is to involve the school attendees in 
*guided teamwork activities* and *brainstorming*, *professional 
exchange* with leading scientists, in an *enjoyable and focussed 
environment*. It will be organized in two different tracks. Each 
participant will be offered the option to go for one or the other.

*Track A: Writers' Workshop.*
/Concept: /The participants provide abstracts of their papers and PhD 
dissertations.The participants discuss and debate all together ways of 
improving the abstracts, trying to generalise the individual examples 
and develop explanatory theories to justify the proposed improvements.
/Target: /Open to all, and particularly targeted to 1st/2nd-year PhD 
students or Master students, and in general to those who do not have a 
long experience in writing scientific papers.

*Track B: * *Project Workshop*.
/Concept: /The focus is on experience the difficult task of writing down 
a project proposal. Participants will be organized in different teams. 
Each team will be under the supervision of a school lecturer. The goal 
is to work on a project proposal, starting from some concrete "call for 
project proposals" such as FET Open.
/Target: /Open to all, but it may better suit more senior attendees, 
such as 3rd year PhD student, post-docs and RAs.


Either school gives you the option to be evaluated. For Italian 
students, the participation to all courses and successful result of the 
examination will correspond to 2 CFU.
Student examinations will only be offered on demand. They will be 
organized in different ways, depending on the lecturer, and they will be 
in most cases post-school activities.


*Birna van Riemsdijk* - Agent Reasoning: Goals and Preferences
*Dale Miller* - Unity in Computational Logic
*Enrico Franconi* - Description Logics
*Francesca Toni* - Agent Reasoning: Knowledge, Plans and Flexible 
Control Cycles
*Giorgio Delzanno* - Constraint Languages for Parametrized Verification: 
Bags, Words, Trees, and Graphs
*Robert Kowalski* - Computational Logic and Human Thinking: How to be 
Artificially Intelligent
*Pascal Van Hentenryck* - Constraint Programming and Optimization Systems
*Peter McBurney* - Agent Interaction: Languages, Dialogues and Protocols
*Rafael Bordini* - Agent and Multi-Agent Software Engineering: 
Modelling, Programming, and Verification
*Wamberto Vasconcelos* - Organisation, Coordination and Norms for 
Multi-Agent Systems


The school are supported by various national associations for the 
development of Artificial Intelligence. If you are a member of *APPIA*, 
*ACIA*, or *AISB* you may be entitled to receive some grant in support 
of your registration and/or trip to either school. Check the Web sites 
for more information.


Do not hesitate to contact us for your inquiries. To obtain a fast 
reply, please contact:
- Eleonora Campori <ecampori at ceub.it> Re: documents for *visa 
application*, *registration*, *payment*, *invoices*, *lodging*, *room 
availability*, *on-site facilities*, *food*, and all other *local info 
- Marco Prandini <marco.prandini at unibo.it> Re: *shuttle buses*, *travel 
arrangements*, *local info (Bologna)*
- Marco Montali <marco.montali at unibo.it> Re: *ISCL student session*, 
school schedule and activities
- Federico Chesani <federico.chesani at unibo.it> Re: *DALT School student 
session*, schedule and activities

For *general inquires*, not listed above, you can contact any of the 
- Paolo Torroni <paolo.torroni at unibo.it>
- ISCL 2011 <iscl.2011 at gmail.com>, Maurizio Gabbrielli <gabbri at cs.unibo.it>
- DALT School 2011 <dalt.school.2011 at gmail.com>, Andrea Omicini 
<andrea.omicini at unibo.it>

If you have a *FaceBook* account, start getting in contact with other 
participants, lecturers and organizing team:
*ISCL*: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131919510199281
*DALT School*: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=153875824645616

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