[agents] ACEC 2011 - Call for Papers
Usman Wajid
usman.wajid at manchester.ac.uk
Mon Jan 17 05:52:30 EST 2011
ACEC - Call for Papers
9th Agent-based Computing for Enterprise Collaboration (ACEC) Conference
Track @ IEEE WETICE 2011 June 27 - 29, 2011 Paris, France
** Overview **
The autonomy and intelligence of software agents have greatly enhanced
automation in many operational domains. A major benefit of using agents is
the ability to assist in the collaboration among humans and software
mechanisms, alike. Agent-enacted collaboration can be extremely helpful in
areas such as Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Workflow and Supply
Chain Management, Automation in Virtual Enterprises, and Automated
Distributed Component Composition.
The forthcoming 9th episode of the conference track on Agent-based Computing
for Enterprise Collaboration (ACEC) will concentrate on two main themes:
# Agent-based Services
# Agent-based Solutions for Dynamic Collaborations
These two themes represent important areas where software agents can
leverage their distributed nature along with their proactive and autonomous
characteristics to provide solutions for complex problems which are
difficult to address using traditional/existing technologies.
With the popularity and pervasiveness of services in the emerging digital
world, enterprises must carefully evaluate how to make their services openly
accessible. Furthermore, it is important for enterprises to learn how to
exploit the services of others while taking into account the unexpected
circumstances and changing scenarios, which frequently occur in business
In both of these (above given) contexts, software agents can play an
important role. In this respect, ACEC 2011 intends to bring together
researchers and practitioners to discuss the key issues, approaches, open
problems, innovative applications, and trends in this research area. We
enthusiastically solicit papers that address agent mediation and management
of services and/or products of on-line businesses.
** Topics **
Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
# Agent-mediated workflow, supply chain, or virtual enterprises #
Methodologies, languages and tools to support agent collaboration # Agent
architectures and infrastructures for dynamic collaboration # Agent-based
service architectures and infrastructures # Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) based on agents # Services for dynamic agent collaboration #
Agent-to-Human service interactions # Agent-mediated service integration
** Important Dates **
Deadline for paper submission: 5 March 2011
Decision to paper authors 4 April 2011
Final version of accepted papers due to IEEE: 29 April 2011
20th IEEE WETICE-2011 conference: 27 - 29 June 2011
** Paper Submission **
Details about submission will be posted on the ACEC website. Accepted papers
will be published in IEEE proceedings.
** Track Chairs: **
Giacomo Cabri
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione Universita' di Modena e Reggio
Emilia - Italia
E-mail giacomo.cabri at unimo.it
Usman Wajid
Manchester Business School,
The University of Manchester, UK
Email: usman.wajid at manchester.ac.uk
Federico Bergenti
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni Parco Area
delle Scienze 181/A 43100 Parma, Italy
E-mail: bergenti at ce.unipr.it
M. Brian Blake
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Email: m.brian.blake at nd.edu
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