[agents] cfp: ICSI 2011 call for paper

khaled sellami skhaled36 at yahoo.fr
Wed Jan 12 12:49:16 EST 2011

Dear colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit a paper for the International
Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2011), to take place in Cergy (Paris
area), France, in June 14-15, 2011.

We will be honored by the presence of two eminent specialists, James Kennedy
and Maurice Clerc, who will present tutorials.
For more details about the conference and submission process, please visit
the conference website at: http://icsi11.eisti.fr/
 *   Theoretical advances of particle swarm optimization, ant colony
 *   Optimization techniques in dynamic, multi-objective, constrained
 *   Grid and distributed computing, machine learning, data mining, data
clustering, graph partitioning, and decision making based on swarm
intelligence principles.
 *   Adaptation and applications of swarm intelligence principles to real
world problems in various domains, including : medicine, biology, chemistry,
finance, insurance, economics, social sciences, transportation, tourism,
education, defense, telecommunications, energy, management, information
retrieval, software engineering, fraud detection, environment,
 *   Robot swarm,..

Important Dates
Submission deadline
March 10, 2011
Notification of acceptance
April  20, 2011
Camera / CD ready
May  10, 2011
Registration for authors (deadline)
May  20, 2011
June 14-15, 2011
Special sessions: Proposals for special sessions are welcome. Last date:
March 1st, 2011. If you are interested in organizing a special session in
the conference, please contact
organization-icsi11 at eisti.fr
Panel proposals:   The organizers encourage scientists and industry leaders
to organize dedicated panels dealing with controversial and challenging
topics and paradigms. Submissions of original and unpublished work related
to swarm intelligence are invited, including, theory, development, and
applications. Areas of focus include particle swarm optimization, ant colony
optimization, foraging techniques, and other swarm intelligence related
topics. Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished work
without any limitation to the above related subjects.  For more information,
organization-icsi11 at eisti.fr
Workshop proposals: We welcome workshop proposals on complementary issues to
the topics of this conference. Your requests should be forwarded to
organization-icsi11 at eisti.fr

Paper acceptance: The papers will be evaluated by the International Program
Committee. All conference participants, excluding invited guests, must pay
the conference registration fees.
Events: Software publishers such as SAS OR, MathWorks and IBM ILOG will be
present at this conference and will demonstrate their tools.
Selected papers will be proposed for submission in special issues of
selected International Journals: Computers & Operations Research, Computers
& Industrial Engineering, Algorithmic Operations Research.
Scientific committee:
•        Ajith Abraham : Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
•       Anne Auger: INRIA Saclay, Université Paris 11, Orsay, France
•       Rachid Chelouah, EISTI Cergy, France
•       Raymond Chiong, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
•       Maurice Clerc, Independent Consultant, France
•       Carlos A. Coello Coello CINVESTAV-IPN, Depto. de Computación México
•       Fred Glover, OptTek Systems, Inc, Boulder, Colorado, USA
•       Jin-Kao Hao, Université d'Angers, France
•       James Kennedy, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, USA
•       Hongbo Liu,  School of Computer Science, Dalian Maritime University, 
Dalian, China
•       Rui Mendes, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
•       Nicolas Monmarché, Université François Rabelais Tours, France
•       Felix Mora-Camino, Ecole Nationale d’Aviation Civile, Toulouse, France
•       Ibrahim H. Osman: American University of Beirut, Lebanon
•       Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Indian Institute of Technology, India
•       Abraham P Punnen: Simon Fraser University, Canada
•       Said Salhi: Centre for Logistics & Heuristic Optimization, Kent Business 
School, UK
•       Patrick Siarry: Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, France
•       Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan , Singapore’s Science and Technology 
•       Eric Taillard : University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
•       El Ghazali Talbi: Polytech’ Lille, Université de Lille 1, France
•       Rolf Wanka, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Am Weichselgarten 3, 
Organization committee:
Rachid Chelouah
Patrick Siarry

R. Chelouah
Avenue du Parc, 
95011 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex 
tel : +33 20 
fax : +33 
Bureau 206


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