[agents] 2nd Special Session on "Self-X and Autonomous Control in Engineering Applications"

Benjamin Klöpper kloepper at nii.ac.jp
Tue Dec 14 20:10:58 EST 2010

               (apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call)


                                       2nd Special Session on "Self-X and
Autonomous Control in Engineering Applications"

on the

                                                          9th IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics

July 26-29 2011

                                  Accepted papers will be published in and
IEEE proceedings volume and included in IEEE Explore



The increasing adoption of methods from computational intelligence,
biologically inspired computing, and optimization in engineering 

disciplines such as mechatronics or production enables the development of a
new class of autonomous systems. These systems often 

possess abilities which are best describe by the phrase Self-X:
Self-Optimization, Self-Coordination, Self-Healing, Self-Repair 

and many more. 


These properties have in common that they shift decision making from humans
to the technical systems. This shift has two possible 

benefits. First, decision made during the design of the system can be
delayed until operation and thus the system is able to react more

flexible to different application requirements. Second, the human effort in
managing such systems can be reduced and the corresponding 

systems are more cost-efficient. This special session is dedicated to this
new type of systems in the various engineering applications.


The special Session addresses the following topics:


-------------------------------Application Examples of Self-X and Autonomous

* Mechatronics and Robotics

* Cyber Physical System

* Vehicle Technology

* Production Systems and Supply Chain Management

* and related applications


------------------------------Algorihtms and Methods for Self-X and
Autonomous Control------------------------------------------------

* Autonomous Planning and Scheduling

* Agent-Based Systems, Multiagent-Systems, Holonic Control Systems

* Modelling Uncertainty, Optimization and Planning under Uncertainty

* Multi-Objective Optimization and Mulit-Criteria Optimization

* Machine Learning and Data Mining 

* Model Identification and Fuzzy Expert Systems

* Biologically inspired Methods: Ant-Based Optimization, Artificial Immune
Systems, Evolutionary Computing, etc.

* and related methods


------------------------------Platform Technologies for Self-X and
Autononmous Control------------------------------------------------

* Reconfigurable Hardware

* Systen Software for Self-x  and Autonomous Control

* Distributed Control

* Flexible Resource Management in Embedded Systems

* Self-Healing Embedded Systems

* Wireless Sensor Networks

* and related technologies


-------------------------------Design Methodologies for Self-X and
Autonomous Control-------------------------------------------------

* Reference Process for Design and Development of Systems with Self-X
Properties and Autonomous Control

* Formal Verification

* System Validation

* Evaluation methods for Self-X and Autonomous Control

* Solution Patterns for Self-X and Autonomous Control


********************Important Dates********************

Deadline for Full Paper Submission      February 4,2011

Acceptance Notification                 March   21,2011

Final Paper Deadline                    April   25,2011

********************Important Dates********************



Paper Submission via the submission system of IEEE INDIN 2011:


For further information about Self-X see
http://wwwhni.uni-paderborn.de/self-x-in-engineering/ or contact the special
session organizers:

self-x at hni.upb.de.                                                       


Mareen Vaßholz

Heinz Nixdorf Institute

University of Paderborn                              


Dr. Benjamin Klöpper                         

DAAD Researcher,

National Insitute of Informatics 

Tokyo, Japan 


Prof. Kenji Tei

GRACE Center, National Insitute of Informatics

Tokyo, Japan 


*****************************Prelimnary Program Comitee (to be

Carsten Böhle, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Universität Paderborn, Germany

Steven De Jong, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Andre Döring, Hochschule Merseburg, Germany

Jan Erik Gans, Daimler AG, Germany

Jürgen Gausemeier, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Germany

Norbert Gronau, Universität Potsdam, Germany

Bernd Hellingrath, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

Martin Hirsch, Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik ISST,

Benjamin Klöpper, DAAD Researcher, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo

Kiran Mahajan, Toyota Motor Company, Belgium

Hisam Mubarak, BASF SE, Germany

Herbert Podlogar, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

Alexander Schmidt, Arnzt Optibelt, Germany

Achim Schmidtmann, Fachhoschule Dortmund, Germany

Sachenbacher, Martin, TU München, Germany

Kenji Tei GRACE Center, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Irohara, Takashi, Sophia University 

Matthias Tichy, Universität Augsburg, Germany

Mareen Vaßholz, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Germany




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